molded board
Смотреть что такое "molded board" в других словарях:
Molded pulp — Molded pulp, also named Moulded pulp or Molded Fibre, is a packaging material, typically made from recycled paperboard and/or newsprint. It is used for protective packaging or for food service trays and beverage carriers. Other typical uses are… … Wikipedia
Molded Interconnect Devices — Als Molded Interconnect Devices (englisch für: Spritzgegossene Schaltungsträger), kurz MID, werden elektronische Bauteile bezeichnet, bei denen metallische Leiterbahnen auf spritzgegossene Kunststoffträger aufgetragen werden. Wesentliche… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Emery board — Emery Em er*y, n. [F. [ e]meri, earlier [ e]meril, It. smeriglio, fr. Gr. ?, ?, ?, cf. ? to wipe; perh. akin to E. smear. Cf. {Emeril}.] (Min.) Corundum in the form of grains or powder, used in the arts for grinding and polishing hard substances … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
canvas board — noun 1. : a board having a textured surface often stamped or molded in imitation of canvas to receive an artist s painting 2. : canvas panel … Useful english dictionary
Ohio Wesleyan Arts Castle — The Arts Castle, housed on the campus of Ohio Wesleyan University, is one of several initiatives between the school and the city of Delaware, Ohio. HistoryThe Arts Castle s history began when William Little moved from Connecticut to Delaware to… … Wikipedia
The Arts Castle — The Arts Castle, located in Delaware, Ohio is an independently operated non profit organization. History Arts Castle The Arts Castle s history began when William Little moved from Connecticut to Delaware, Ohio to improve his business. He and his… … Wikipedia
sprung molding — Carpentry. a molded board, as one forming part of a cornice, placed diagonally and secured at the ends to two surfaces intersecting at a right angle. Also called spring molding. * * * … Universalium
sprung molding — Carpentry. a molded board, as one forming part of a cornice, placed diagonally and secured at the ends to two surfaces intersecting at a right angle. Also called spring molding … Useful english dictionary
furniture — furnitureless, adj. /ferr ni cheuhr/, n. 1. the movable articles, as tables, chairs, desks or cabinets, required for use or ornament in a house, office, or the like. 2. fittings, apparatus, or necessary accessories for something. 3. equipment for … Universalium
Wakeskating — is a new watersport and is an adaptation of wakeboarding that employs a similar design of board manufactured from maple or from fibreglass. Unlike wakeboarding, the rider is not bound to the board in any way, which gives the sport its own unique… … Wikipedia
arts, East Asian — Introduction music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature. Some studies of East Asia… … Universalium