moire pattern
Смотреть что такое "moire pattern" в других словарях:
Moiré pattern — Moiré and Moire redirect here. For other uses, see Moire (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
moiré pattern — moiré effect or moiré pattern noun An optical effect, a shifting wavy pattern seen when two surfaces covered with regular lines are superimposed • • • Main Entry: ↑moire … Useful english dictionary
moiré pattern — ▪ physics in physics, the geometrical design that results when a set of straight or curved lines is superposed onto another set; the name derives from a French word for “watered.” The effect may be seen by looking through the folds of a nylon… … Universalium
moire pattern — muaro piešinys statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Vaizdas, primenantis banguotą raibuliuojantį paviršių, susidarantis dėl šviesos interferencijos, kai vienas ant kito ne visai tiksliai projektuojami tapatūs piešiniai. Iliustraciją žr.… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
moiré pattern — noun an optical effect formed when one family of curves is superposed on another, the lines of the overlapping figures crossing at an ange less than about 45°; the moiré lines are then the locus of the points of intersection … Wiktionary
Moire (fabric) — Moire ribbons In textiles, a moire (pronounced /ˈmwɑr/ or /ˈmɔr/) (less often, moiré) is a fabric with a wavy (watered) appearance produced mainly from silk, but also wool, cotton and rayon. The watered ap … Wikipedia
Moire (disambiguation) — Moire or Moiré may refer to: Emmanuel Moire (born 1979), singer Line moiré Moire (fabric) Moire deflectometry Moiré pattern Moiré, Rhône Shape moiré See also Moir (disambiguation) Moires, Greece … Wikipedia
moiré effect — n. Optics. the appearance, when two regularly spaced sets of lines are superimposed, of a new set of lines (moiré pattern) passing through the points where the original lines cross at small angles. [1950 55] * * * moiré effect or moiré pattern… … Useful english dictionary
moiré effect — n. Optics. the appearance, when two regularly spaced sets of lines are superimposed, of a new set of lines (moiré pattern) passing through the points where the original lines cross at small angles. [1950 55] * * * … Universalium
moiré — [mwä rā′, môrā′; môr′ā] adj. [Fr, pp. of moirer, to water < moire: see MOIRE] having a watered, or wavy, pattern, as certain fabrics, stamps, or metal surfaces n. 1. a watered pattern pressed into cloth, etc. with engraved rollers 2. MOIRE … English World dictionary
Moire deflectometry — Moiré Deflectometry is an interferometry technique[1], in which the object to be tested (either phase object or secular surface) is mounted in the course of a collimated beam followed by a pair of transmission gratings placed at a distance from… … Wikipedia