modulator tube
Смотреть что такое "modulator tube" в других словарях:
tube — Synonyms and related words: Amtrak, L, Photronic cell, adjutage, amplifier, anode, attenuator, audio frequency tube, baggage train, ballast regulator, ballast tube, barrel, base, beam switching tube, bole, branch, cable railroad, cable railway,… … Moby Thesaurus
modulator valve — moduliatorinė lempa statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. modulator valve vok. Modulatorröhre, f rus. модуляторная лампа, f pranc. tube modulateur, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
modulator — ˈmäjəˌlād.ə(r), ātə noun ( s) Etymology: Latin, from modulatus (past participle of modulari to modulate) + or 1. : one that modulates: as a … Useful english dictionary
tube modulateur — moduliatorinė lempa statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. modulator valve vok. Modulatorröhre, f rus. модуляторная лампа, f pranc. tube modulateur, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
RMA tube designation — In the years 1942 1944, the Radio Manufacturers Association used a descriptive nomenclature system for industrial, transmitting, and special purpose vacuum tubes. The numbering scheme was distinct from both the numbering schemes used for standard … Wikipedia
Gas-filled tube — See also: Gas discharge lamp A gas filled tube, also known as a discharge tube, is an arrangement of electrodes in a gas within an insulating, temperature resistant envelope. Although the envelope is typically glass, power tubes often use… … Wikipedia
Russian tube designations — Receiver tubes = In the 1950s a 5 element system (GOST 5461 59, later 13393 76) was adopted in the (then) Soviet Union for designating receiver vacuum tubes.The 1st element (from left to right) is (for receiving tubes) a number specifying… … Wikipedia
Traveling-wave tube — A traveling wave tube (TWT) is an electronic device used to amplify radio frequency signals to high power, usually in an electronic assembly known as a traveling wave tube amplifier (TWTA).The bandwidth of a broadband TWT can be as high as three… … Wikipedia
vacuum tube modulator — lempinis moduliatorius statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. vacuum tube modulator vok. Röhrenmodulator, m rus. ламповый модулятор, m pranc. modulateur à tubes à vide, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Crackle tube — A small battery powered Luminglas device, turned on. A small battery powered Luminglas device, turned … Wikipedia
ГОСТ 20412-75: Лампы генераторные, модуляторные и регулирующие. Термины и определения — Терминология ГОСТ 20412 75: Лампы генераторные, модуляторные и регулирующие. Термины и определения оригинал документа: 34. Бак водяного (жидкостного) охлаждения анода генераторной (модуляторной, регулирующей) лампы Анодный бак Устройство,… … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации