moderate prices

moderate prices
умеренные цены, доступные цены

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "moderate prices" в других словарях:

  • moderate — [mäd′ər it; ] for v. [, mäd′ərāt΄] adj. [ME moderat < L moderatus, pp. of moderare, to keep within bounds, restrain < modus: see MODE] 1. within reasonable limits; avoiding excesses or extremes; temperate or restrained 2. mild; calm;… …   English World dictionary

  • moderate — 1. adjective 1) moderate success Syn: average, modest, medium, middling, ordinary, common, commonplace, everyday, workaday; tolerable, passable, adequate, fair; mediocre, indifferent, unexceptional, unremarkable …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • moderate — 1. adjective 1) moderate success Syn: average, modest, medium, middling, tolerable, passable, adequate, fair; informal OK, so so, bog standard, fair to middling 2) moderate prices Syn …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • moderate — Ⅰ. moderate UK US /ˈmɒdərət/ adjective ► not very small or large but between the two: moderate growth/inflation/increase »Moderate growth last year was enough to raise a profit. moderate gains/losses »Investors saw moderate gains on Wall Street… …   Financial and business terms

  • moderate — ♦♦♦ moderates, moderating, moderated (The adjective and noun are pronounced [[t]mɒ̱dərət[/t]]. The verb is pronounced [[t]mɒ̱dəreɪt[/t]].) 1) ADJ GRADED Moderate political opinions or policies are not extreme. He was an easygoing man of very… …   English dictionary

  • moderate — mod|er|ate1 [ mad(ə)rət ] adjective ** 1. ) neither very great nor very small in amount, size, strength, or degree: Cook the spinach over a moderate heat. A moderate earthquake shook the San Francisco bay area this afternoon. We need more housing …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • moderate — I UK [ˈmɒd(ə)rət] / US [ˈmɑd(ə)rət] adjective ** 1) neither very great nor very small in amount, size, strength, or degree Cook the spinach over a moderate heat. moderate increase/loss/growth: This month has seen a moderate increase in house… …   English dictionary

  • moderate — {{11}}moderate (adj.) late 14c., originally of weather and other physical conditions, from L. moderatus within bounds, observing moderation; figuratively modest, restrained, pp. of moderari to regulate, mitigate, restrain, temper, set a measure,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • moderate — [ˈmɒd(ə)rət] adj I 1) neither very big nor very small in amount, size, strength, or degree Cook the spinach over a moderate heat.[/ex] a moderate increase in house prices[/ex] 2) reasonable and avoiding extreme opinions or actions a moderate… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • moderate — adj., n., & v. adj. 1 avoiding extremes; temperate in conduct or expression. 2 fairly or tolerably large or good. 3 (of the wind) of medium strength. 4 (of prices) fairly low. n. a person who holds moderate views, esp. in politics. v. 1 tr. &… …   Useful english dictionary

  • popular prices — Synonyms and related words: bargain prices, budget prices, cut price, easy prices, economy prices, low price, low tariff, manageable price, moderate price, nominal price, reasonable charge, reasonable price, reduced price, reduced rates, rock… …   Moby Thesaurus

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