model-based vision

model-based vision
машинное зрение на основе использования модельных представлений, модельное машинное зрение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "model-based vision" в других словарях:

  • Model-driven architecture — (MDA) is a software design approach for the development of software systems. It provides a set of guidelines for the structuring of specifications, which are expressed as models. Model driven architecture is a kind of domain engineering, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Model-driven engineering — (MDE) is a software development methodology which focuses on creating and exploiting domain models (that is, abstract representations of the knowledge and activities that govern a particular application domain), rather than on the computing (or… …   Wikipedia

  • Model of Hierarchical Complexity — The model of hierarchical complexity is a framework for scoring how complex a behavior is. It quantifies the order of hierarchical complexity of a task based on mathematical principles of how the information is organized and of information… …   Wikipedia

  • Model of hierarchical complexity — The model of hierarchical complexity, is a framework for scoring how complex a behavior is. It quantifies the order of hierarchical complexity of a task based on mathematical principles of how the information is organized and of information… …   Wikipedia

  • Model transformation language — A model transformation language in systems and software engineering is a language for model transformation. Contents 1 Overview 2 Available transformation languages 3 See also 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Model Transformation Language — Presentation = Ubiquitous transformations The notion of Model transformation is of central importance to Information Technology. A software system may be seen as a set of information transformations. The Unix system itself may be viewed as a… …   Wikipedia

  • Bag of words model in computer vision — This is an article introducing the Bag of words model (BoW) in computer vision, especially for object categorization. From now, the BoW model refers to the BoW model in computer vision unless explicitly declared.Before introducing the BoW model,… …   Wikipedia

  • Computer vision — is the field concerned with automated imaging and automated computer based processing of images to extract and interpret information. It is the science and technology of machines that see. Here see means the machine is able to extract information …   Wikipedia

  • Object recognition (computer vision) — Feature detection Output of a typical corner detection algorithm …   Wikipedia

  • Standards-based education reform — Education reform in the United States since the 1980s has been largely driven by the setting of academic standards for what students should know and be able to do. These standards can then be used to guide all other system components. The SBE… …   Wikipedia

  • Image-based modeling and rendering — In computer graphics and computer vision, image based modeling and rendering (IBMR) methods rely on a set of two dimensional images of a scene to generate a three dimensional model and then render some novel views of this scene.The traditional… …   Wikipedia

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