model of explanation

model of explanation
мат. модель объяснения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "model of explanation" в других словарях:

  • explanation — Since so much of life both inside and outside the study is concerned with finding explanations of things, it would be desirable to have a concept of what counts as a good explanation, and what distinguishes good from bad. Under the influence of… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • explanation — /ek spleuh nay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of explaining. 2. something that explains; a statement made to clarify something and make it understandable; exposition: an explanation of a poem. 3. a meaning or interpretation: to find an… …   Universalium

  • Model theory — This article is about the mathematical discipline. For the informal notion in other parts of mathematics and science, see Mathematical model. In mathematics, model theory is the study of (classes of) mathematical structures (e.g. groups, fields,… …   Wikipedia

  • model — 1. A model for a set of sentences is an interpretation under which they are all true. 2. (science) A representation of one system by another, usually more familiar, whose workings are supposed analogous to that of the first. Thus one might model… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Model 2 — This article is about the Java design model. For the arcade board, see Sega Model 2. In the design of Java Web applications, there are two commonly used design models, referred to as Model 1 and Model 2. A simplified diagram of the Model 2… …   Wikipedia

  • Model audit — A model audit is the colloquial term for the tasks performed when conducting due diligence on a financial model, in order to eliminate spreadsheet error. (Also known as Model Review in some areas). A study in 1998 concluded that even MBA students …   Wikipedia

  • Model commercial vehicle — 1:64 scale diecast trucks Tekno 1:50 scale models …   Wikipedia

  • model — This is a term which has been given a wide variety of different meanings by sociologists. In some cases it has been used as a synonym for theory , but in others as a reference to a system of abstract concepts at a more general level than a theory …   Dictionary of sociology

  • covering-law model — Model of explanation according to which to explain an event by reference to another event necessarily presupposes an appeal to laws or general propositions correlating events of the type to be explained (explananda) with events of the type cited… …   Universalium

  • Deductive-nomological model — The deductive nomological model (or D N model) is a formalized[citation needed] view of scientific explanation in natural language. It characterizes scientific explanations primarily as deductive arguments with at least one natural law statement… …   Wikipedia

  • Physics beyond the Standard Model — Beyond the Standard Model Standard Model …   Wikipedia

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