modal language

modal language
мат. модальный язык

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "modal language" в других словарях:

  • Modal logic — is a type of formal logic that extends classical propositional and predicate logic to include operators expressing modality. Modals words that express modalities qualify a statement. For example, the statement John is happy might be qualified by… …   Wikipedia

  • Modal realism — is the view, notably propounded by David Kellogg Lewis, that all possible worlds are as real as the actual world. It is based on the following tenets: possible worlds exist; possible worlds are not different in kind from the actual world;… …   Wikipedia

  • Modal fictionalism — is a term used in philosophy, and more specifically in modal logic, to describe the position that holds that talk of possible worlds is actually false, though adopting such a discourse may be a useful fiction. A contrast to the position of modal… …   Wikipedia

  • Language development — is a process that starts early in human life, when a person begins to acquire language by learning it as it is spoken and by mimicry. Children s language development moves from simplicity to complexity. Infants start without language. Yet by four …   Wikipedia

  • Modal verb — A modal verb (also modal, modal auxiliary verb, modal auxiliary) is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to indicate modality that is, likelihood, ability, permission, and obligation.[1]:p.33 The use of auxiliary verbs to express modality is… …   Wikipedia

  • Modal operator — In modal logic, a modal operator is an operator which forms propositions from propositions. In general, a modal operator has the formal property of being non truth functional, and is intuitively characterised by expressing a modal attitude (such… …   Wikipedia

  • Modal particle — In linguistics, modal particles are always uninflected words, and are a type of grammatical particle. Their function is that of reflecting the mood or attitude of the speaker or narrator, in that they are not reflexive but change the mood of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Modal μ-calculus — In theoretical computer science, the modal μ calculus (also μ calculus, but this can have a more general meaning) is an extension of propositional modal logic (with many modalities) by adding a least fixpoint operator μ and a greatest fixpoint… …   Wikipedia

  • Modal case — In linguistics, the modal case (abbreviated mod) is a grammatical case used to express ability, intention, necessity, obligation, permission, possibility, etc. It takes the place of English modal verbs such as can, could, would, might, may. This… …   Wikipedia

  • Yaghan language — language name=Yahgan/Yámana nativename=Háusi Kúta familycolor=Isolate states=Chile region=Tierra del Fuego speakers=1 iso2=sai|iso3=yagYagán (originally Yahgan, but also now spelled Yaghan, Jagan, Iakan), also known as Yámana and Háusi Kúta, is… …   Wikipedia

  • Araki language — language name=Araki states=Vanuatu region=Araki island, Espiritu Santo speakers=8 familycolor=Austronesian fam2=Malayo Polynesian fam3=Central Eastern fam4=Eastern fam5=Oceanic fam6=Central Eastern fam7=Remote Oceanic fam8=North and Central… …   Wikipedia

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