modal formula
Смотреть что такое "modal formula" в других словарях:
Modal depth — In modal logic, the modal depth of a formula is the deepest nesting of modal operators (commonly and ). Modal formulas without modal operators have a modal depth of zero. Definition Modal depth can be defined as follows. Let MD(ϕ) be a function… … Wikipedia
Modal companion — In logic, a modal companion of a superintuitionistic (intermediate) logic L is a normal modal logic which interprets L by a certain canonical translation, described below. Modal companions share various properties of the original intermediate… … Wikipedia
Modal logic — is a type of formal logic that extends classical propositional and predicate logic to include operators expressing modality. Modals words that express modalities qualify a statement. For example, the statement John is happy might be qualified by… … Wikipedia
Modal μ-calculus — In theoretical computer science, the modal μ calculus (also μ calculus, but this can have a more general meaning) is an extension of propositional modal logic (with many modalities) by adding a least fixpoint operator μ and a greatest fixpoint… … Wikipedia
Modal operator — In modal logic, a modal operator is an operator which forms propositions from propositions. In general, a modal operator has the formal property of being non truth functional, and is intuitively characterised by expressing a modal attitude (such… … Wikipedia
Sahlqvist formula — In modal logic, Sahlqvist formulae are a certain kind of modal formula with remarkable properties. The Sahlqvist correspondence theorem states that everySahlqvist formula is canonical,and corresponds to a first order definable class of Kripke… … Wikipedia
Epistemic modal logic — is a subfield of modal logic that is concerned with reasoning about knowledge. While epistemology has a long philosophical tradition dating back to Ancient Greece, epistemic logic is a much more recent development with applications in many fields … Wikipedia
Dynamic logic (modal logic) — For the subject in digital electronics also known as clocked logic, see dynamic logic (digital electronics). Dynamic logic is an extension of modal logic originally intended for reasoning about computer programs and later applied to more general… … Wikipedia
Lógica modal — Una lógica modal es un sistema formal que intenta capturar el comportamiento deductivo de algún grupo de operadores modales.[1] Los operadores modales son expresiones que califican la verdad de los juicios.[1] Por ejemplo, en la oración es… … Wikipedia Español
Barcan formula — In quantified modal logic, the Barcan formula and the converse Barcan formula (more accurately, schemata rather than formulae) (i) syntactically state principles or interchange between quantifiers and modalities; (ii) semantically state a… … Wikipedia
S5 (modal logic) — In logic and philosophy, S5 is one of five systems of modal logic proposed by Clarence Irving Lewis and Cooper Harold Langford in their 1932 book Symbolic Logic . It is a normal modal logic, and one of the oldest systems of modal logic of any… … Wikipedia