moccasin snake
Смотреть что такое "moccasin snake" в других словарях:
moccasin — /mok euh sin, zeuhn/, n. 1. a heelless shoe made entirely of soft leather, as deerskin, with the sole brought up and attached to a piece of U shaped leather on top of the foot, worn originally by the American Indians. 2. a hard soled shoe or… … Universalium
moccasin — moc ca*sin, n. [An Indian word. Algonquin makisin.] [Sometimes written {moccason}.] 1. A shoe made of deerskin, or other soft leather, the sole and upper part being one piece. It is the customary shoe worn by the American Indians. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Moccasin flower — moccasin moc ca*sin, n. [An Indian word. Algonquin makisin.] [Sometimes written {moccason}.] 1. A shoe made of deerskin, or other soft leather, the sole and upper part being one piece. It is the customary shoe worn by the American Indians. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
moccasin — (n.) North American Indian shoe (made of deerskin or soft leather), 1610s, from an Algonquian language of Virginia, probably Powhatan makasin shoe, from Central Atlantic Coast Algonquian *mockasin, similar to Southern New England Algonquian… … Etymology dictionary
moccasin — a name of a snake and a type of soft leather shoe, is the recommended spelling, with two cs and one s … Modern English usage
snake — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. serpent, reptile, ophidian; snake in the grass, deceiver, double dealer. See animal, deception. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. reptile, serpent, vermin*; see rattlesnake . Common snakes include: viper, asp,… … English dictionary for students
snake — Synonyms and related words: Benedict Arnold, Brutus, Judas, Judas Iscariot, Quisling, adder, anaconda, animal, archtraitor, asp, beast, bend, betrayer, blacksnake, blind snake, boa, boa constrictor, bull snake, bushmaster, cobra, cobra de capello … Moby Thesaurus
Moccasin (disambiguation) — A Moccasin is a form of shoe worn by Native Americans, as well as by hunters, traders, and settlers in the frontier regions of North America. Moccasin may refer to: Contents 1 Places 2 Plants 3 Ships 4 Snakes … Wikipedia
moccasin — noun Etymology: Virginia Algonquian mockasin Date: circa 1612 1. a. a soft leather heelless shoe or boot with the sole brought up the sides of the foot and over the toes where it is joined with a puckered seam to a U shaped piece lying on top of… … New Collegiate Dictionary
moccasin — moc·ca·sin mäk ə sən n 1) WATER MOCCASIN 2) a snake (as of the genus Natrix) resembling a water moccasin * * * moc·ca·sin (mokґə sin) any of several species of snakes of the genus Agkistrodon … Medical dictionary
moccasin — n. 1 a type of soft leather slipper or shoe with combined sole and heel, as orig. worn by N. American Indians. 2 (in full water moccasin) US a poisonous American snake of the genus Agkistrodon piscivorus. Etymology: Amer. Ind. mockasin, makisin … Useful english dictionary