- mnemonic device
- мат. мнемонический прием;
мнемоническая схема
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
mnemonic device — index reminder Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Mnemonic — Mne*mon ic (n[ e]*m[o^]n [i^]k), Mnemonical Mne*mon ic*al (n[ e]*m[o^]n [i^]*kal), a. [Gr. mnhmoniko s, fr. mnh mwn mindful, remembering, mnh mh memory, mna^sqai to think on, remember; akin to E. mind.] Assisting in memory; helping to remember;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mnemonic — (adj.) aiding the memory, 1753, back formation from mnemonics, or from Gk. mnemonikos of or pertaining to memory, from mnemon (gen. mnemonos) remembering, mindful, from memne memory, a remembrance, record, an epitaph; memory as a mental faculty,… … Etymology dictionary
mnemonic — [nē män′ik] adj. [Gr mnēmonikos < mnēmōn, mindful < mnasthai, to remember < IE base * men , to think > MIND] 1. helping, or meant to help, the memory [a mnemonic device] 2. of mnemonics or memory n. any of the formulas used in… … English World dictionary
Mnemonic — For other uses, see Mnemonic (disambiguation). Not to be confused with pneumonic. Knuckle mnemonic for the number of days in each month of the Gregorian Calendar. Each projecting knuckle represents a 31 day month. A mnemonic ( … Wikipedia
device — n. 1) a detonating; intrauterine; flotation; labor saving; listening; mnemonic device 2) a device for 3) (misc.) left to one s own devices ( on one s own ) * * * [dɪ vaɪs] flotation intrauterine labor saving listening mnemonic device a detonating … Combinatory dictionary
mnemonic — SYN: anamnestic (1). * * * mne·mon·ic ni män ik adj 1) assisting or intended to assist memory also of or relating to mnemonics 2) of or relating to memory mne·mon·i·cal·ly i k(ə )lē adv mnemonic n a mnemonic device or code * * * m … Medical dictionary
mnemonic — I. adjective Etymology: Greek mnēmonikos, from mnēmōn mindful, from mimnēskesthai to remember more at mind Date: 1753 1. assisting or intended to assist memory; also of or relating to mnemonics 2. of or relating to memory • mnemonically adverb II … New Collegiate Dictionary
mnemonic — adj. & n. adj. of or designed to aid the memory. n. a mnemonic device. Derivatives: mnemonically adv. mnemonist n. Etymology: med.L mnemonicus f. Gk mnemonikos f. mnemon mindful … Useful english dictionary
mnemonic — pronounced ni mon ik, is a device, usually a rhyme or sequence of words, used to help remember some fact or group of facts, e.g. the initial letters of the mnemonic Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain give the order of the colours of the spectrum … Modern English usage
mnemonic — mnemonically, adv. /ni mon ik/, adj. 1. assisting or intended to assist the memory. 2. pertaining to mnemonics or to memory. n. 3. something intended to assist the memory, as a verse or formula. 4. Computers. a programming code that is easy to… … Universalium