- mnemon
- мнемон (единица или квант информации, хранимой в мозгу или нервной системе)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Mnemon — Mnemon, Beiname von Artaxerxes II … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
MNEMON — cognomine Artaxersis II. apud C. Nepotem Regibus c. 1. ex Graeco Μνήμων; i. e. Memor, seu, ut Hieronym. interpretatur, Recordans. Proprium ei nomen Arsicas fuit, et Artaxerxis regiam appellationem, cum a Patre Dario Rex designatus esset, accepit … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
mnemon — mne·mon nē .män n a theoretical fundamental unit of memory … Medical dictionary
mnemon — unit of memory, largely hypothetical Units of Measurement … Phrontistery dictionary
mnemon — mneˈmon noun A hypothetical unit of memory • • • Main Entry: ↑mneme … Useful english dictionary
Artaxerxes II — ( Mnemon ) died 359? B.C., king of Persia 404? 359?. * * * ▪ king of Persia flourished late 5th and early 4th centuries BC Achaemenid king of Persia (reigned 404–359/358). He was the son and successor of Darius II and was surnamed (in … Universalium
List of Foundation universe planets — This is a list of Foundation universe planets featured or mentioned in the Robot series, Empire series, and Foundation series created by Isaac Asimov. Contents 1 61 Cygni 2 Alpha … Wikipedia
Achaemenid Empire — Persian Empire redirects here. For other uses, see Persian Empire (disambiguation). Persian Empire ← … Wikipedia
List of minor Foundation universe planets — This is a list of minor planets in Isaac Asimov s Foundation, Robot, and Empire series. Most are mentioned only by name.: See also: List of Foundation universe planets61 CygniThe star system 61 Cygni, in the Sirius Sector, is advanced by Lord… … Wikipedia
Artaxerxès II — Mnémon Titre Grand Roi Achéménide 404 – 358 Prédécesseur Darius II Successeur Artaxerxès … Wikipédia en Français
Darius II — Pour l’article homonyme, voir Darius II (jeu vidéo). Darius II Titre Grand Roi Achéménide … Wikipédia en Français