mitigate a punishment
Смотреть что такое "mitigate a punishment" в других словарях:
mitigate — mitigable /mit i geuh beuhl/, adj. mitigatedly, adv. mitigation, n. mitigative, mitigatory /mit i geuh tawr ee, tohr ee/, adj. mitigator, n. /mit i gayt /, v., mitigated, mitigating. v.t … Universalium
mitigate — mit•i•gate [[t]ˈmɪt ɪˌgeɪt[/t]] v. gat•ed, gat•ing 1) to lessen in force or intensity; make less severe: to mitigate the harshness of a punishment[/ex] 2) to make milder or more gentle; mollify 3) to become milder; lessen in severity • Etymology … From formal English to slang
mitigate — Verb: To lessen in severity or burden. To reduce: as, where the crime of murder may be reduced to manslaughter by the production of evidence of the defendant s insanity. See Sinclair v State, 161 Miss 142, 132 So 581, 74 ALR 241. Noun: The… … Ballentine's law dictionary
relieve — I (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To replace] Syn. release, remove, take over for, cover for, spell*, discharge, force to resign; see also dismiss 1 , 2 , substitute 2 . 2. [To lessen] Syn. assuage, alleviate, soothe, comfort, allay, lighten, mitigate, ease … English dictionary for students
PARADISE — PARADISE, the English derivative of Παράδειοος, Greek for garden in the Eden narrative of Genesis 2:4b–3:24 (see garden of eden ). One of the best known and most widely interpreted pericopes in the Bible, this narrative is at the same time one of … Encyclopedia of Judaism
ADULTERY — (Heb. נִאוּף, ni uf; sometimes, loosely, זְנוּת, zenut; זְנוּנִים, zenunim; lit. fornication, whoredom ). Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married woman, or one engaged by payment of the brideprice, and a man other than her husband.… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Gestapo — Geheime Staatspolizei Plainclothes Gestapo agents during the White Buses operations in 1945 … Wikipedia
extenuating circumstance — or mitigating circumstance In law, circumstance that diminishes the culpability of one who has committed a criminal offense. In many Anglo American legal systems, provocation of the accused by the victim can reduce a charge of first degree murder … Universalium
relieve — [ri lēv′] vt. relieved, relieving [ME releven < OFr relever < L relevare, to lift up again < re , again + levare, to raise: see LEVER] 1. a) to ease, lighten, or reduce (pain, anxiety, etc.) b) to free (a person) from pain, discomfort,… … English World dictionary
Richard Antrim — Infobox Military Person name= Richard Nott Antrim born= Birth date|1907|12|17 died= death date and age|1969|3|7|1907|12|17 placeofbirth= Peru, Indiana placeofdeath= Mountain Home, Arkansas placeofburial= Arlington National Cemetery… … Wikipedia
allocution — al·lo·cu·tion /ˌa lə kyü shən/ n [Latin allocutio, from alloqui to speak to, from ad to + loqui to speak]: a formal speech; esp: one made by a defendant at the time of sentencing Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary