- misty-eyed
- прил. сентиментальный до слез одурманенный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
misty-eyed — • misty eyed • Dewey eyed adj. phr. 1. Having eyes damp with tears; emotional. The teacher was misty eyed when the school gave her a retirement gift. 2. Of the kind who cries easily; sentimental. The movie appealed to Dewey eyed girls … Словарь американских идиом
misty-eyed — [mis′tē īd΄] adj. 1. having tears in the eyes because of strong feelings 2. emotional, sentimental, dreamy, etc. [a misty eyed optimist] … English World dictionary
misty-eyed — adjective having eyes blurred as with tears (Freq. 1) sad and misty eyed • Similar to: ↑tearful * * * /ˈmıstiˈaıd/ adj [more misty eyed; most misty eyed] 1 : having tears in your eyes He gets misty eyed when he talks about that time … Useful english dictionary
misty-eyed — ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ If you say that something makes you misty eyed, you mean that it makes you feel so happy or sentimental, especially about the past, that you feel as if you are going to cry. They got misty eyed listening to records of… … English dictionary
misty-eyed — /mɪsti ˈaɪd/ (say mistee uyd) adjective 1. slightly teary: we were all misty eyed at the end of her farewell speech. 2. sentimental: a misty eyed view of childhood …
misty-eyed — or[dewey eyed] {adj. phr.} 1. Having eyes damp with tears; emotional. * /The teacher was misty eyed when the school gave her a retirement gift./ 2. Of the kind who cries easily; sentimental. * /The movie appealed to dewey eyed girls./ … Dictionary of American idioms
misty-eyed — or[dewey eyed] {adj. phr.} 1. Having eyes damp with tears; emotional. * /The teacher was misty eyed when the school gave her a retirement gift./ 2. Of the kind who cries easily; sentimental. * /The movie appealed to dewey eyed girls./ … Dictionary of American idioms
misty-eyed — mist|y eyed [ ,mısti aıd ] adjective 1. ) crying a little or feeling that you might cry 2. ) affected by strong emotions and not likely to be sensible: misty eyed lovers … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
misty-eyed — mist′y eyed adj. 1) having the eyes obscured by tears 2) sentimental or dreamy: a misty eyed romantic[/ex] • Etymology: 1955–60 … From formal English to slang
misty-eyed — adjective Date: 1895 1. having tearful eyes 2. dreamy, sentimental < misty eyed recollections > … New Collegiate Dictionary
misty-eyed — /mis tee uyd /, adj. 1. on the verge of tears. 2. sentimental: a misty eyed romantic. [1955 60] * * * … Universalium