Смотреть что такое "miskick" в других словарях:
miskick — miskicks, miskicking, miskicked VERB (The verb is pronounced [[t]mɪskɪ̱k[/t]]. The noun is pronounced [[t]mɪ̱skɪk[/t]].) To miskick the ball in a game such as soccer means to kick it badly so that it does not go in the direction you want it to.… … English dictionary
miskick — 1. noun An incorrect or bad kick The shot went wide of a post after a miskick from Sayers. 2. verb To incorrectly or badly kick. Although Petey miskicked the ball, he still managed to score the goal … Wiktionary
miskick — v. propel a ball with one s foot in an incorrect manner or direction … English contemporary dictionary
miskick — verb kick (a ball) badly or wrongly. noun an instance of miskicking … English new terms dictionary
miskick — noun /ˈmɪskɪk/ (say miskik) 1. a kick that is incorrectly judged, so that the player misses the ball entirely, or kicks it in the wrong direction. –verb (t) /mɪsˈkɪk/ (say mis kik) 2. to kick (the ball) in such a fashion. –verb (i) /mɪsˈkɪk/ (say …
miskick — v. & n. v.tr. (also absol.) kick (a ball etc.) badly or wrongly. n. an instance of this … Useful english dictionary
History of Liverpool F.C. — Liverpool Football Club, the most successful club in English football, has a long and colourful history.Early historyThe first Liverpool Football Club founded in 1857 actually played a code similar to rugby union. They are considered to be one of … Wikipedia
2009–10 Middlesbrough F.C. season — Middlesbrough F.C. 2009–10 season Chairman Steve Gibson Manager … Wikipedia
2009–10 Norwich City F.C. season — Norwich City 2009–10 season Chairman Alan Bowkett Manager … Wikipedia