
1) послабление в монастырском уставе
2) монастырская столовая для тех, кому разрешалось не поститься
3) кинжал, которым добивали поверженного врага

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "misericord" в других словарях:

  • misericord — ► NOUN ▪ a ledge projecting from the underside of a hinged seat in a choir stall, giving support to someone standing when the seat is folded up. ORIGIN from Latin misericors compassionate , from misereri to pity + cor heart …   English terms dictionary

  • misericord — or misericorde [mi zer′i kôrd΄; ] also [ miz′ər ikôrd΄] n. [ME misericorde < OFr < L misericordia < misericors, merciful < base of misereri (see MISERERE) + cor,HEART] 1. a narrow ledge on the underside of a hinged seat, as in a choir …   English World dictionary

  • Misericord — This article is about the church ornament. For the weapon, see Misericorde (weapon). Misericord and choir stall at Chester Cathedral A misericord (sometimes named mercy seat, like the Biblical object) is a small wooden shelf on the underside of a …   Wikipedia

  • Misericord — 1) A knife or dagger used to deliver a coup de grace; the word was also used for a particularly slender knife designed specifically to pass through the gaps in a knight s visor. [< Lat. misereor = to have pity] Cf. Ocularium 2) In pre 11c… …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • misericord — also misericorde noun Etymology: Medieval Latin misericordia seat in church, from Latin, mercy, from misericord , misericors merciful, from misereri + cord , cor heart more at heart Date: circa 1515 a small projection on the bottom of a hinged… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • misericord — /miz euhr i kawrd , mi zer i kawrd /, n. 1. a room in a monastery set apart for those monks permitted relaxation of the monastic rule. 2. Also, subsellium. a small projection on the underside of a hinged seat of a church stall, which, when the… …   Universalium

  • misericord — noun a) relaxation of monastic rules. b) The room in a monastery for monks granted such relaxation …   Wiktionary

  • misericord — ledge in church to lean against while standing; forgiveness or mercy Ecclesiastical Terms …   Phrontistery dictionary

  • misericord — n. special room for monks who are granted relaxation from monastery rule; short dagger used during the Middle Ages for striking a blow of mercy; support on the underside of hinged church seats …   English contemporary dictionary

  • misericord — [mɪ zɛrɪkɔ:d] noun 1》 a ledge projecting from the underside of a hinged seat in a choir stall, giving support to someone standing when the seat is folded up. 2》 historical an apartment in a monastery in which some relaxations of discipline were… …   English new terms dictionary

  • Misericord — Small projecting ledge on the underside of a hinged seat in the choir stall of a church. When the seat is hinged up, this ledge gives some support to a standing person until they fall asleep. 1) a swing up seat in the choir of a major church,… …   Medieval glossary

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