mischievous person

mischievous person
негодник Syn : wretch, rogue

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "mischievous person" в других словарях:

  • mischievous — mis|chie|vous [ mıstʃıvəs ] adjective a mischievous person, especially a child, enjoys having fun by causing trouble: There were always mischievous boys around. a. a mischievous look or expression shows that you enjoy having fun by causing… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • mischievous — [[t]mɪ̱stʃɪvəs[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED A mischievous person likes to have fun by playing harmless tricks on people or doing things they are not supposed to do. She rocks back and forth on her chair like a mischievous child... He s a little mischievous …   English dictionary

  • mischievous — UK [ˈmɪstʃɪvəs] / US adjective a mischievous person, especially a child, enjoys having fun by causing trouble There were always mischievous boys around. a) a mischievous look or expression shows that you enjoy having fun by causing trouble The… …   English dictionary

  • mischievous — [ˈmɪstʃɪvəs] adj a mischievous person, especially a child, enjoys having fun by causing trouble mischievously adv …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • mischievous — adj. 1 (of a person) disposed to mischief. 2 (of conduct) playfully malicious. 3 (of a thing) having harmful effects. Derivatives: mischievously adv. mischievousness n. Etymology: ME f. AF meschevous f. OF meschever: see MISCHIEF …   Useful english dictionary

  • pixie — /pik see/, n. 1. a fairy or sprite, esp. a mischievous one. 2. a small, pert, or mischievous person. adj. 3. Also, pixieish, pixyish. playfully impish or mischievous; prankish: pixie mood; a pixie sense of humor. [1620 30; orig. dial. (SW… …   Universalium

  • elf — elflike, adj. /elf/, n., pl. elves /elvz/. 1. (in folklore) one of a class of preternatural beings, esp. from mountainous regions, with magical powers, given to capricious and often mischievous interference in human affairs, and usually imagined… …   Universalium

  • scamp — scamper, n. scampingly, adv. scampish, adj. scampishly, adv. scampishness, n. /skamp/, n. 1. an unscrupulous and often mischievous person; rascal; rogue; scalawag. 2. a playful, mischievous, or naughty young person; upstart. 3. a grouper,… …   Universalium

  • pixie — pix•ie or pix•y [[t]ˈpɪk si[/t]] n. pl. pix•ies, adj. 1) cvb myt a fairy or sprite, esp. a mischievous one 2) cvb a playfully mischievous person 3) cvb Also, pix′ie•ish, pix′y•ish. playfully impish or mischievous; prankish • Etymology: 1620–30;… …   From formal English to slang

  • List of English words of Yiddish origin — For Yiddish words used by English speaking Jews (that are not necessarily English), see Yiddish words used by English speaking Jews. This is a list of English words of Yiddish origin, many of which have entered the English language by way of… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Merriam–Webster's Words of the Year — Merriam Webster s Words of the Year, a list published annually by the American dictionary publishing company Merriam Webster, features the ten words of the year from the English language. This list started in 2003, and is published at the end of… …   Wikipedia

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