Смотреть что такое "miscegenation" в других словарях:
miscegenation — n. The genetic mingling of races; interracial marriage. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008. miscegenation Mixture of races. A term formerly ap … Law dictionary
Miscegenation — Mis ce*ge*na tion, n. [L. miscere to mix + the root of genus race.] A mixing of races; amalgamation, as by intermarriage of black and white. Note: Until the late twentieth century, misceganation was a crime in some states of the Southern United… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
miscegenation — (n.) interbreeding of races, 1864, coined irregularly in American English from L. miscere to mix (see MIX (Cf. mix) (v.)) + genus race (see GENUS (Cf. genus)) … Etymology dictionary
miscegenation — ☆ miscegenation [mi sej΄ə nā′shən, mis΄ə jənā′shən ] n. [coined ( c. 1863) < L miscere,MIX + genus, race (see GENUS) + ATION] marriage or sexual relations between a man and woman of different races, esp., in the U.S., between a white and a… … English World dictionary
Miscegenation — Race Classification Race (classification of humans) Genetics … Wikipedia
miscegenation — miscegenetic /mis i jeuh net ik, mi sej euh /, adj. /mi sej euh nay sheuhn, mis i jeuh /, n. 1. marriage or cohabitation between a man and woman of different races, esp., in the U.S., between a black and a white person. 2. interbreeding between… … Universalium
miscegenation — Literally ‘mixing of races’, a racist term denoting sexual relations between different races, especially White and Black. Miscegenation was promoted in some systems for example Portuguese colonialism and the Baha i religion as a means of… … Dictionary of sociology
miscegenation — n. racial interbreeding, especially between blacks and whites. ♦ miscegenetic, a. ♦ miscegenate, v.i. amp; t. practise, or produce by, miscegenation; n. half caste. ♦ miscegenator, n … Dictionary of difficult words
miscegenation — noun Etymology: irregular from Latin miscēre to mix + genus race more at mix, kin Date: 1863 a mixture of races; especially marriage, cohabitation, or sexual intercourse between a white person and a member of another race • miscegenational… … New Collegiate Dictionary
miscegenation — noun /mɪˌsɛdʒ.əˈneɪ.ʃən/ a) The mixing or blending of race in marriage or breeding, interracial marriage. b) A mixing or blending, especially one which is considered to be inappropriate. Syn: miscege … Wiktionary
miscegenation — Marriage or interbreeding of individuals of different races. [L. misceo, to mix, + genus, descent, race] * * * mis·ce·ge·na·tion (.)mis .ej ə nā shən, .mis i jə nā n a mixture of races esp marriage or cohabitation between a white person and a… … Medical dictionary