
ˈmɪsbɪˌɡɔtn прил. незаконнорожденный (пренебрежительное) презренный, позорный (о человеке) (пренебрежительное) неудачный, непродуманный (о плане, идее и т. п.) (книжное) рожденный вне брака, незаконнорожденный рожденный неудачником обретенный незаконным путем - * gains неправедные доходы misbegotten рожденный вне брака

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "misbegotten" в других словарях:

  • misbegotten — [mis΄bē gät′ n] adj. 1. wrongly or unlawfully begotten; specif., born out of wedlock: also misbegot 2. wrongly or badly conceived [misbegotten rules] …   English World dictionary

  • misbegotten — index illegitimate (born out of wedlock) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • misbegotten — (adj.) bastard, illegitimate, 1550s, pp. adjective from obsolete misbeget (c.1300); see MIS (Cf. mis ) (1) + BEGET (Cf. beget) …   Etymology dictionary

  • misbegotten — [adj] illegitimate, illicit baseborn, bastard, dishonest, disreputable, illegal, natural, poor, shady, spurious, stolen, suppositious, unlawful, unrespectable; concepts 319,549 Ant. lawful, legal, legitimate, licit …   New thesaurus

  • misbegotten — ► ADJECTIVE 1) badly conceived, designed, or planned. 2) contemptible. 3) archaic (of a child) illegitimate …   English terms dictionary

  • misbegotten — adjective Date: 1554 1. unlawfully conceived ; illegitimate < a misbegotten child > 2. a. having a disreputable or improper origin ; ill conceived < antiquated and misbegotten tax laws R. M. Blough > b. contemptible, deformed …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • misbegotten — mis|be|got|ten [ˌmısbıˈgɔtn US ˈga: ] adj [only before noun] old fashioned 1.) a misbegotten plan, idea, etc is not likely to succeed because it is badly planned or not sensible 2.) a misbegotten person is completely stupid or useless ▪ You… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • misbegotten — adjective (only before noun) 1 a misbegotten plan, idea, etc is not likely to succeed because it is badly planned or not sensible 2 formal or humorous a misbegotten person is completely stupid or useless: You misbegotten fool! …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • misbegotten — adjective 1) a misbegotten scheme Syn: ill conceived, ill advised, badly planned, badly thought out, harebrained 2) you misbegotten scoundrel! Syn: contemptible, despicable, wretched, miserable, confounded; informal infernal …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • misbegotten — /mis bi got n/, adj. 1. unlawfully or irregularly begotten; illegitimate: his misbegotten son. 2. badly conceived, made, or carried out: his misbegotten plan. Also, misbegot. [1540 50; MIS 1 + BEGOTTEN] * * * …   Universalium

  • misbegotten — mis•be•got•ten [[t]ˌmɪs bɪˈgɒt n[/t]] also mis be•got′ adj. 1) unlawfully or irregularly begotten; illegitimate: his misbegotten son[/ex] 2) badly conceived, made, or carried out: a misbegotten plan[/ex] • Etymology: 1540–50 …   From formal English to slang

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