minority group
Смотреть что такое "minority group" в других словарях:
Minority group — A minority is a sociological group within a demographic. The demographic could be based on many factors from ethnicity, gender, wealth, power, etc. The term extends to numerous situations, and civilizations within history, despite the misnomer of … Wikipedia
minority group — noun see minority I, 3 * * * minority (def. 3). [1960 65] * * * minority group noun A section of the population with a common interest, characteristic, etc which is not common to most people • • • Main Entry: ↑minor * * * minority group, any… … Useful english dictionary
minority group — Since the 1930s this term has been applied to social groups that are oppressed or stigmatized on the basis of racial, ethnic, biological, or other characteristics. Louis Wirth , for example, defines a minority group as ‘a group of people who,… … Dictionary of sociology
minority group — minority (def. 3). [1960 65] * * * … Universalium
minority group — Synonyms and related words: breakaway group, camp, caucus, division, ethnic group, faction, interest, interest group, least, minority, offshoot, party, political party, pressure group, sect, side, silent majority, splinter, splinter group, the… … Moby Thesaurus
minority group — Меньшинство … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
Minority influence — Minority influence, a form of social influence, takes place when a minority, like an individual, influences a majority to accept the minority s beliefs or behaviour. There are two types of social influence: majority influence (conformity) and… … Wikipedia
Minority stress — describes chronically high levels of stress faced by members of stigmatized minority groups.[1] It may be caused by a number of factors, including poor social support and low socioeconomic status, but the most well understood causes of minority… … Wikipedia
minority — mi·nor·i·ty n pl ties 1 a: the period before attainment of majority b: the state of being a minor 2: the smaller of two groups constituting a whole: as a: a group (as in a legislative body) having less than the number of votes necessary for… … Law dictionary
Minority politics in Iraq — are represented by its various ethnic and religious groups. The Kurds (Muslim, Yarsan and Yezidi), Assyrians, and Iraqi Turkmen represent the three largest non Arab minorities in the country. Other smaller ethnic groups include Armenians, Roma,… … Wikipedia
Minority Rights Group International — Type Non governmental organization Founded 1960s Location London, United Kingdom … Wikipedia