minor key
Смотреть что такое "minor key" в других словарях:
minor key — noun a key based on the minor scale • Syn: ↑minor mode • Hypernyms: ↑key, ↑tonality * * * noun 1. : a musical key or tonality in the minor mode 2. : a mood of melancholy or pathos … Useful english dictionary
minor key — Music. 1. a key or mode based on a minor scale. 2. a less jubilant or more restrained mood, atmosphere, or quality: The conversation shifted to a minor key with news of the defeat. [1810 20] * * * … Universalium
minor key — noun A musical key based upon a minor scale. See Also: major key … Wiktionary
minor key — /ˈmaɪnə ki/ (say muynuh kee) noun a musical key based on a minor scale …
minor key — principal tone based on a minor scale (Music) … English contemporary dictionary
minor key — англ. [ма/йнэ ки] минорная тональность … Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов
minor — [mī′nər] adj. [ME menour < L minor < IE * minu , small < base * mei , to lessen > Gr meiōn, less, ON minni, smaller] 1. a) lesser in size, amount, number, or extent b) lesser in importance or rank 2. under full legal age (usually… … English World dictionary
minor — ► ADJECTIVE 1) having little importance, seriousness, or significance. 2) Music having or based on intervals of a semitone between the second and third degrees, and (usually) the fifth and sixth, and the seventh and eighth. Contrasted with… … English terms dictionary
Key signature — For use in cryptography, see Key signature (cryptography). Key signature A major / F♯ minor with three sharps placed after the clef. In musical notation, a key signature is a series of sharp or … Wikipedia
Minor scale — For the simulated nuclear detonation, see Minor Scale. Minor scale Qualities Number of pitch classes 7 Maximal evenness … Wikipedia
key — key1 /kee/, n., pl. keys, adj., v., keyed, keying. n. 1. a small metal instrument specially cut to fit into a lock and move its bolt. 2. any of various devices resembling or functioning as a key: the key of a clock. 3. See key card. 4. something… … Universalium