minor determinant
Смотреть что такое "minor determinant" в других словарях:
minor determinant — minoras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. minor; minor determinant; subdeterminant vok. Minor, m; Subdeterminante, f; Unterdeterminante, f rus. минор, m; субдетерминант, m pranc. mineur, m; sous déterminant, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
minor determinant — noun see minor I, 4 … Useful english dictionary
Minor — minoras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. minor; minor determinant; subdeterminant vok. Minor, m; Subdeterminante, f; Unterdeterminante, f rus. минор, m; субдетерминант, m pranc. mineur, m; sous déterminant, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
minor — minoras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. minor; minor determinant; subdeterminant vok. Minor, m; Subdeterminante, f; Unterdeterminante, f rus. минор, m; субдетерминант, m pranc. mineur, m; sous déterminant, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Minor (linear algebra) — This article is about a concept in linear algebra. For the unrelated concept of minor in graph theory, see Minor (graph theory). In linear algebra, a minor of a matrix A is the determinant of some smaller square matrix, cut down from A by… … Wikipedia
Determinant — This article is about determinants in mathematics. For determinants in epidemiology, see Risk factor. In linear algebra, the determinant is a value associated with a square matrix. It can be computed from the entries of the matrix by a specific… … Wikipedia
minor — I. adjective Etymology: Latin, smaller, inferior; akin to Old High German minniro smaller, Latin minuere to lessen Date: 1526 1. inferior in importance, size, or degree ; comparatively unimportant 2. not having reached majority 3. a. having half… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Minor — Not to be confused with myna or miner. Contents 1 Mathematics 2 Music 3 Surname … Wikipedia
minor — /muy neuhr/, adj. 1. lesser, as in size, extent, or importance, or being or noting the lesser of two: a minor share. 2. not serious, important, etc.: a minor wound; a minor role. 3. having low rank, status, position, etc.: a minor official. 4.… … Universalium
sous-déterminant — minoras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. minor; minor determinant; subdeterminant vok. Minor, m; Subdeterminante, f; Unterdeterminante, f rus. минор, m; субдетерминант, m pranc. mineur, m; sous déterminant, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Submatrix — In mathematics, a submatrix is a matrix formed by selecting certain rows and columns from a bigger matrix. That is, as an array, it is cut down to those entries constrained by row and column. For example: mathbf{A}=egin{bmatrix} a {11} a {12} a… … Wikipedia