
ˈmɪnɪvə сущ. мех горностая белый мех, используемый для отделки парадного платья мех горностая (диалектизм) горностай в зимней шубе

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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  • Miniver — is an unspotted white fur derived from the stoat, and with particular use in the robes of peers. For the use of the fur in heraldry, see Ermine (heraldry) and Tincture (heraldry) For the fictional character, see Mrs. Miniver This disambiguation… …   Wikipedia

  • miniver — [min′ə vər] n. [ME menyuere < OFr menu ver, miniver < menu, small (see MENU) < vair,VAIR] a white fur used for trimming garments, esp. ceremonial robes, as of royalty …   English World dictionary

  • Miniver — Min i*ver, n. [See {Meniver}.] A fur esteemed in the Middle Ages as a part of costume. It is uncertain whether it was the fur of one animal only or of different animals. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • miniver — (n.) fur lining and trimming in a garment, c.1300, from O.Fr. menu vair minor fur; see MENU (Cf. menu) + VAIR (Cf. vair) …   Etymology dictionary

  • miniver — ► NOUN ▪ white fur used for lining or trimming clothes. ORIGIN from Old French menu vair little vair (vair being the fur of a red squirrel, used in medieval times as a trimming or lining for garments) …   English terms dictionary

  • Miniver — Dans le roman 1984 de George Orwell, le Miniver est le ministère de la vérité (le nom est la contraction de la fonction ; en version originale, sous le nom de Minitrue pour Ministry of Truth). Il s agit d un terme de novlangue, qui fait… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Miniver — Fur used as decoration or trim on ceremonial dress. The animal usually used was the red squirrel. Miniver was permitted, under 14c sumptuary regulations, to those not allowed ermine. [< menu = little + vair = fur] Cf. Menever puratus;… …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • Miniver Cheevy — is a narrative poem written by Edwin Arlington Robinson and first published in The Town down the River in 1910.[1] The poem, written in iambic tetrameter quatrains, relates the story of a hopeless romantic who spends his days thinking about what… …   Wikipedia

  • miniver — noun Etymology: Middle English meniver, from Anglo French menever, from menu small + ver, vair vair Date: 13th century a white fur worn originally by medieval nobles and used chiefly for robes of state …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • miniver — /min euh veuhr/, n. 1. (in the Middle Ages) a fur of white or spotted white and gray used for linings and trimmings. Cf. vair (def. 1). 2. any white fur, particularly that of the ermine, used esp. on robes of state. Also, minever. [1250 1300; ME… …   Universalium

  • miniver — noun /ˈmɪnɪvə/ A light gray or white fur used to trim the robes of judges or state executives, also used in medieval times. Than there com furth a lykly knyght, and well apparaylede in scarlet furred with menyvere …   Wiktionary

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