minimum value
Смотреть что такое "minimum value" в других словарях:
minimum value — mažiausioji vertė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. minimal value; minimum value vok. Kleinstwert, m; Minimalwert, m; Minimumwert, m rus. минимальное значение, n; наименьшее значение, n pranc. valeur minimale, f; valeur minimum, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
minimum value — mažiausia vertė statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Mažiausia dydžio vertė. atitikmenys: angl. minimal value; minimum value vok. Kleinstwert, m; Mindestwert, m; Minimalwert, m; Minimumwert, m rus. минимальное значение, n;… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
Guaranteed Minimum Value — GMV redirects here. As an institutional abbreviation in biological and geosciences, it stands for the Geological Museum of China in Beijing. Guaranteed Minimum Value (and its common initialism, GMV) is a term used when the absolute value of a… … Wikipedia
Minimum Value Balance — Not yet defined … International financial encyclopaedia
Value of Earth — In green economics, value of Earth is the ultimate in ecosystem valuation, and important to value of life calculations. It begins with the simple problem that if the Earth ceases to support life, and human life does not continue elsewhere, all… … Wikipedia
Minimum alveolar concentration — or MAC is a concept used to compare the strengths, or potency, of anaesthetic vapours;[1] in simple terms, it is defined as the concentration of the vapour in the lungs that is needed to prevent movement (motor response) in 50% of subjects in… … Wikipedia
Minimum viable population — (MVP) is a lower bound on the population of a species, such that it can survive in the wild. This term is used in the fields of biology, ecology, and conservation biology. More specifically MVP is the smallest possible size at which a biological… … Wikipedia
Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value — Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, commonly known as MERV Rating is a measurement scale designed in 1987 by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) to rate the effectiveness of air filters.The scale … Wikipedia
Minimum efficiency reporting value — Minimum efficiency reporting value, commonly known as MERV rating is a measurement scale designed in 1987 by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) to rate the effectiveness of air filters. The… … Wikipedia
Minimum ignition energy — (MIE) is the minimum amount of energy required to ignite a combustible vapor, gas or dust cloud, for example due to an electrostatic discharge. MIE is measured in joules (J). [1] Explosives, hydrogen, unsaturated hydrocarbons and alkanes in… … Wikipedia
Minimum wage — A minimum wage is the lowest hourly, daily or monthly remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers. Equivalently, it is the lowest wage at which workers may sell their labour. Although minimum wage laws are in effect in a great many… … Wikipedia