minimax loss

minimax loss
мат. минимакс потерь (математика) минимакс потерь (теория игр)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "minimax loss" в других словарях:

  • Minimax (disambiguation) — Minimax, minmax, or min max can refer to: Minimax, a strategy in decision theory and related disciplines concerned with minimizing the maximum possible loss Minimax (TV channel), a European children s TV channel Minimax (re branded Macro), a… …   Wikipedia

  • minimax — [min′ē maks΄, min′imaks΄] adj. of or having to do with a strategy or technique for minimizing the maximum error or loss n. such a strategy or technique …   English World dictionary

  • Minimax — This article is about the decision theory concept. For other uses, see Minimax (disambiguation). Minimax (sometimes minmax) is a decision rule used in decision theory, game theory, statistics and philosophy for minimizing the possible loss for a… …   Wikipedia

  • Minimax estimator — In statistical decision theory, where we are faced with the problem of estimating a deterministic parameter (vector) from observations an estimator (estimation rule) is called minimax if its maximal risk is minimal among all estimators of . In a… …   Wikipedia

  • Loss function — In statistics and decision theory a loss function is a function that maps an event onto a real number intuitively representing some cost associated with the event. Typically it is used for parameter estimation, and the event in question is some… …   Wikipedia

  • minimax theorem — noun : a theorem in the theory of games: the lowest maximum expected loss equals the highest minimum expected gain * * * minimax theorem, a principle in the theory of games which states that in an optimal strategy one player plays so as to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • minimax — 1. noun In decision theory, game theory, etc. a decision rule used for minimizing the maximum possible loss, or maximizing the minimum gain. 2. verb To find the optimum play, or decision, to achieve minimizing the maximum loss …   Wiktionary

  • minimax — /min euh maks /, n. a strategy of game theory employed to minimize a player s maximum possible loss. Cf. maximin. [1940 45; MINI(MUM) + MAX(IMUM)] * * * …   Universalium

  • minimax principle — noun : a principle of choice for a decision problem: one should choose the action which minimizes the loss that can be suffered even under the worst circumstances …   Useful english dictionary

  • minimax — n. 1 Math. the lowest of a set of maximum values. 2 (usu. attrib.) a a strategy that minimizes the greatest risk to a participant in a game etc. b the theory that in a game with two players, a player s smallest possible maximum loss is equal to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Regret (decision theory) — Regret (often also called opportunity loss) is defined as the difference between the actual payoff and the payoff that would have been obtained if a different course of action had been chosen. This is also called difference regret. Furthermore,… …   Wikipedia

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