minimal machine
Смотреть что такое "minimal machine" в других словарях:
Minimal techno — Stylistic origins Minimalism Detroit techno Acid techno Ambient Cultural origins Early 1990s, Detroit, Michigan, USA, Berlin Typical instruments Keyboard … Wikipedia
Minimal instruction set computer — (MISC) est une architecture processeur avec un nombre d opérations basiques (et d opcodes correspondant) très réduit. De tels jeux d instructions sont généralement basés sur une pile plutôt que sur des registres afin de réduire la taille des… … Wikipédia en Français
Minimal instruction set computer — (MISC) is a processor architecture with a very small number of basic operations and corresponding opcodes. Such instruction sets are commonly stack based rather than register based to reduce the size of operand specifiers. Such a stack machine… … Wikipedia
Minimal music — This article is about a musical style. For other uses, see Minimalism (disambiguation). Minimal music Stylistic origins Experimental music, twelve tone music, serialism, process music, Indian classical music Cultural origins United States Typical … Wikipedia
Machine that always halts — In computability theory, a machine that always halts also called a decider (Sipser, 1996) or a total Turing machine (Kozen, 1997) is a Turing machine that halts for every input. Because it always halts, the machine is able to decide whether a… … Wikipedia
Minimal Information Requested In the Annotation of biochemical Models — logo de MIRIAM MIRIAM, Minimal Information Required In the Annotation of Models (information minimale requise dans l annotation de modèles)[1], est un standard pour l annotation et la curation de modèles quantitatifs représentant des systèmes… … Wikipédia en Français
X-Machine Testing — The (Stream) X Machine Testing Methodology is a complete functional testing approach to software and hardware testingM. Holcombe and F. Ipate (1998) Correct Systems Building a Business Process Solution . Springer, Applied Computing Series.] that… … Wikipedia
Macedon Range Shire Council Electronic Gaming Machine Policy — The grant, transfer and addition of poker machine licenses in the State of Victoria continues to attract public interest. The Shire of Macedon Ranges Council s Electronic Gaming Machine (Pokies) Community Policy has evolved as a result of direct… … Wikipedia
Abstract Rewriting Machine — The Abstract Rewriting Machine (ARM) is a virtual machinewhich implements term rewriting for minimal term rewriting systems. Minimal term rewriting systems are left linear termrewriting systems in which each rule takes on one of six… … Wikipedia
Abstract rewriting machine — The Abstract Rewriting Machine (ARM) is a virtual machine which implements term rewriting for minimal term rewriting systems. Minimal term rewriting systems are left linear term rewriting systems in which each rule takes on one of six forms:… … Wikipedia
Deterministic finite-state machine — An example of a Deterministic Finite Automaton that accepts only binary numbers that are multiples of 3. The state S0 is both the start state and an accept state. In the theory of computation and automata theory, a deterministic finite state… … Wikipedia