mineral oil spring
Смотреть что такое "mineral oil spring" в других словарях:
Oil Creek State Park — Pennsylvania State Park Natural Monument (IUCN III) … Wikipedia
mineral deposit — Introduction aggregate of a mineral in an unusually high concentration. About half of the known chemical elements (chemical element) possess some metallic (metal) properties. The term metal, however, is reserved for those chemical… … Universalium
Mineral industry of Africa — The mineral industry of Africa is one of the largest mineral industries in the world. Africa is the second biggest continent, with 30 million km² of land, which implies large quantities of resources. For many African countries, mineral… … Wikipedia
spring — v. & n. v. (past sprang or US sprung; past part. sprung) 1 intr. jump; move rapidly or suddenly (sprang from his seat; sprang through the gap; sprang to their assistance). 2 intr. move rapidly as from a constrained position or by the action of a… … Useful english dictionary
spring — [[t]sprɪŋ[/t]] v. sprangor, often, sprung; sprung; spring•ing; 1) to rise, leap, or move suddenly and swiftly: a tiger about to spring[/ex] 2) to be released suddenly from a constrained position: The door sprang open[/ex] 3) to issue forth… … From formal English to slang
Sembawang Hot Spring — The Sembawang Hot Spring (zh s|三巴旺溫泉; pinyin: sanbawan wenquan), located at Gambas Avenue between Woodlands Avenue 12 and Sembawang Road, is the only natural hot spring on the main island of Singapore.cite news | last = Nathan | first = Dominic | … Wikipedia
нефтяной источник — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN mineral oil spring … Справочник технического переводчика
Bottled water — is drinking water packaged in bottles for individual consumption and retail sale. The water can be glacial water, spring water, well water, purified water or simply water from the public water supply (tap water). [ [http://www.rd.com/special… … Wikipedia
Hydropneumatic suspension — Hydropneumatic is a type of automotive suspension system, invented by Citroën, and fitted to Citroën cars, as well as being adapted by other car manufacturers, notably Rolls Royce, Mercedes Benz and Peugeot. It was also used on Berliet trucks.… … Wikipedia
Steam locomotive — A steam locomotive is a locomotive powered by steam. The term usually refers to its use on railways, but can also refer to a road locomotive such as a traction engine or steamroller.Steam locomotives dominated rail traction from the mid 19th… … Wikipedia
Souroti — Infobox Greek Dimos name = Souroti name local = Σουρωτή caption skyline = Central square of Souroti city city lat deg = 40 lat min = 28 lon deg = 23 lon min = 04 elevation min = elevation = 120 elevation max = periph = Central Macedonia prefec =… … Wikipedia