Смотреть что такое "milldam" в других словарях:
Milldam — Mill dam (m[i^]l d[a^]m), n. A dam or mound to obstruct a water course, and raise the water to a height sufficient to turn a mill wheel. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
milldam — [mil′dam΄] n. 1. a dam built across a stream to raise its level enough to provide water power for turning a mill wheel 2. MILLPOND … English World dictionary
Milldam — A milldam is a dam constructed on a waterway to create a mill pond. Water passing through a dam s spillway is used to turn a water wheel and provide energy to the many varieties of watermill. By raising the water level so that the overflow has… … Wikipedia
milldam — noun Date: 12th century a dam to make a millpond; also millpond … New Collegiate Dictionary
milldam — /mil dam /, n. a dam built in a stream to furnish a head of water for turning a mill wheel. [1150 1200; ME; see MILL1, DAM1] * * * … Universalium
milldam — noun A dam constructed across a river or stream in order to create a millpond … Wiktionary
milldam — n. dam in a river made for turning a mill wheel … English contemporary dictionary
milldam — mill•dam [[t]ˈmɪlˌdæm[/t]] n. civ a dam built in a stream to furnish a head of water for turning a mill wheel • Etymology: 1150–1200 … From formal English to slang
milldam — /ˈmɪldæm/ (say mildam) noun a dam built in a stream to furnish a head of water for turning a millwheel …
milldam — noun dam to make a millpond to provide power for a water mill • Hypernyms: ↑dam, ↑dike, ↑dyke … Useful english dictionary
Nordhorn — Nordhorn … Wikipedia