Смотреть что такое "milked" в других словарях:
Milked — Milk Milk (m[i^]lk), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Milked} (m[i^]lkt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Milking}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To draw or press milk from the breasts or udder of, by the hand or mouth; to withdraw the milk of. Milking the kine. Gay. [1913 Webster] I … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Milked — Using something up as much as possible. A: The guy got $3000 for that little dent in his car door. He milked the insurance company big time. B: I got this hall pass with no date on it. I m going to milk it for all it s worth! … Dictionary of american slang
Milked — Using something up as much as possible. A: The guy got $3000 for that little dent in his car door. He milked the insurance company big time. B: I got this hall pass with no date on it. I m going to milk it for all it s worth! … Dictionary of american slang
milked — un·milked; … English syllables
milked — mɪlk n. white liquid produced by female mammals that serves as nourishment for their young; this liquid from some mammals (cows, sheep, and goats) that is processed for human consumption; similar liquid produced by certain plants (as the… … English contemporary dictionary
MİLKED — Nesne dövecek âlet … Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük
milked him — extorted money from him, blackmailed him … English contemporary dictionary
well-milked — adj. * * * … Universalium
well-milked — adj … Useful english dictionary
Dairy — For other uses, see Dairy (disambiguation). A dairy farm near Oxford, New York in the United States. A dairy is a business enterprise established for the harvesting of animal milk mostly from cows or goats, but also from buffalo, sheep, horses or … Wikipedia
Dairy farming — Dairy farm redirects here. For the retail company in Asia, see Dairy Farm International Holdings. A rotary milking parlor in an industrial dairy facility, located in Germany Dairy farming is a class of agricultural, or an animal husbandry,… … Wikipedia