Смотреть что такое "milk-bar" в других словарях:
milk-bar — [ milkbar ] n. m. • 1947; angl. milk « lait » et 1. bar ♦ Anglic. Vieilli Bar, café où l on ne consomme que des boissons non alcoolisées, généralement à base de lait. Des milk bars. ● milk bar, milk bars nom masculin (anglais milk, lait, et bar,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Milk bar — For other uses, see Milk bar (disambiguation). A milk bar in the Victorian suburb of Fitzroy North. Milk bar is a term in some parts of Australia for suburban local shops or general stores. They are known as tuck shops, delicatessens or delis in… … Wikipedia
milk bar — noun snack bar that sells milk drinks and light refreshments (such as ice cream) • Hypernyms: ↑snack bar, ↑snack counter, ↑buffet * * * noun : a counter or a room having a counter where milk drinks and ice cream are served * * * a simple… … Useful english dictionary
Milk bar (disambiguation) — A milk bar is a commercial establishment in Australia similar to a general store, but in the United Kingdom applied only to outlets selling milk based drinks. The term may also refer to: Bar mleczny, a type of Polish restaurant, which literally… … Wikipedia
milk bar cowboy — noun NZ Colloquial (formerly) a bikie who frequents a milk bar as a meeting place …
milk bar — noun 1》 Brit. a snack bar that sells milk drinks and other refreshments. 2》 Austral. a corner shop … English new terms dictionary
milk bar — /ˈmɪlk ba/ (say milk bah) noun 1. a shop, often with an open front, where milk drinks, ice cream, sandwiches, etc., are sold. 2. Chiefly Victoria → corner store …
milk bar — a simple restaurant, often with an open front, or a counter or booth where milk drinks, sandwiches, etc., are sold. [1930 35] * * * … Universalium
milk bar — noun A small shop and/or cafe, often part of a larger shop, that sells fast food and a range of dairy based beverages such as milkshakes and ice creams … Wiktionary
Milk bar — corner shop that sells takeaway food … Dictionary of Australian slang
milk bar — Australian Slang corner shop that sells takeaway food corner general store … English dialects glossary