milk pump
Смотреть что такое "milk pump" в других словарях:
Milk fever — Milk fever, post parturient hypocalcemia, or parturient paresis is a disease, usually of dairy cows, characterized by reduced blood calcium levels. It is most common in the first few days of lactation, when demand for calcium for milk production… … Wikipedia
milk — [n] liquid produced by mammals buttermilk, chalk*, condensed, cream, evaporated, formula, goat, half and half, homogenized, laiche, low fat, moo juice*, pasteurized, powdered, raw, skim, two percent, whole; concept 467 milk [v] tap; exploit bleed … New thesaurus
Pump-Stillen — Frisch abgepumpte Muttermilch Pump Stillen ist eine besondere Form des Stillens. Dabei wird der Säugling nicht direkt an der Brust der Mutter gefüttert, sondern die Muttermilch wird mit Hilfe einer Muttermilchpumpe aus der Brust abgepumpt und dem … Deutsch Wikipedia
milk — Synonyms and related words: abridge, abuse, alabaster, bed, bed down, bereave, beverage, bleed, bleed white, blood, break, bridle, broach, brush, butter, buttermilk, certified milk, chalk, cheese, chyle, colostrum, condensed milk, cream, curry,… … Moby Thesaurus
pump — Synonyms and related words: abdomen, add to, aggrandize, air pump, amplify, animate, anus, appendix, aspirator, augment, bail out, beer pump, bicycle pump, bilge pump, bleed, blind gut, bloat, blow up, bowels, brain, breast pump, broach, broaden … Moby Thesaurus
pump — 1. An apparatus for forcing a gas or liquid from or to any part. 2. Any mechanism for using metabolic energy to accomplish active transport of a substance. breast p. a suction instrument for withdra … Medical dictionary
pump — 01. Does anyone have a bicycle [pump]? I ve got a flat tire. 02. We d better stop at a gas station, and [pump] up your tires; they re getting a little low. 03. It took the two men over three hours to [pump] all the water out of their flooded… … Grammatical examples in English
milk — n 1. cream, cow s milk, goat s milk, beestings, breast milk, mother s milk, kumiss; whey, curds, junket, buttermilk, skim milk; bonnyclabber, posset, Fine Arts. casein. 2. latex, sap, juice, fluid. v 3. extract, remove, draw out, draw off, siphon … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
milk — verb 1) Pam was milking the cows Syn: draw milk from, express milk from 2) milk a little of the liquid Syn: draw off, siphon (off), pump off, tap, drain, extract 3) milking rich clients … Thesaurus of popular words
Breast pump — A breast pump is a mechanical device (powered manually or by electricity) that extracts milk from the breasts of a female who is lactating. The breast pump was invented and patented by Edward Lasker. [Scientific American, Vol. 8, No. 4, January… … Wikipedia
Breast milk — refers to the milk produced by a mother to feed her baby. It provides the primary source of nutrition for newborns before they are able to eat and digest other foods; older infants and toddlers may continue to be breastfed. The baby nursing from… … Wikipedia