military draft

military draft
призыв в армию

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "military draft" в других словарях:

  • military draft — The enforcement by the government of its constitutional right to require all citizens of sufficient age and capacity to enter the military service of the country. Lanahan v Birge, 30 Conn 438, 443. A contingent or body of men for the armed forces …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Military of Yemen — National emblem of Yemen Founded 1990 Service branches …   Wikipedia

  • draft plan — A plan for which a draft plan has been coordinated and agreed with the other military headquarters and is ready for coordination with the nations involved, that is those nations who would be required to take national actions to support the plan.… …   Military dictionary

  • draft — 1. The conscription of qualified citizens in military service. 2. The depth of water that a vessel requires to float freely; the depth of a vessel from the water line to the keel. See also active duty; Military Service; watercraft …   Military dictionary

  • military service — noun uncount 1. ) the period of time that someone spends in an army, navy, or air force 2. ) MAINLY BRITISH the military DRAFT …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Draft-card burning — Young men burn their draft cards in New York City on April 15, 1967, at Sheep Meadow, Central Park Draft card burning was a symbol of protest performed by thousands of young American men as part of the opposition to the involvement of the United… …   Wikipedia

  • Draft lottery (1969) — Representative Alexander Pirnie (R NY) drawing the first number. On December 1, 1969, the Selective Service System of the United States conducted two lotteries to determine the order of call to military service in the Vietnam War for men born… …   Wikipedia

  • Military of Mexico — The Mexican military forces are composed of the Mexican Army (which includes the Mexican Air Force as a subordinate entity) and the Mexican Navy (including marines). Organization The Army There are three main components of the Army: a national… …   Wikipedia

  • Military history of Puerto Rico — Military history of Puerto Rico …   Wikipedia

  • draft — I. noun Etymology: Middle English draght; akin to Old English dragan to draw more at draw Date: 13th century 1. a. the act of drawing a net b. haul 2b 2. a. the act or an instance of drinking or inhaling; also the portion drunk or inhaled in one… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • draft — 01. The city is [drafting] a plan to expand the network of bike lanes in the region. 02. The government is [drafting] legislation to legally recognize homosexual marriage. 03. Many young Americans who were [drafted] for service in the Vietnam War …   Grammatical examples in English

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