military court
Смотреть что такое "military court" в других словарях:
military court — court for soldiers, army court … English contemporary dictionary
Military Court of Australia — A court room used for Australian Defence Force legal proceedings at Victoria Barracks, Sydney The Military Court of Australia is a court of military justice for the Australian Defence Force set to commence in 2011. It replaces the previous and… … Wikipedia
Military Court of Appeals — The Israeli Military Court of Appeals is the supreme military court of the Israel Defense Forces. It considers and judges over appeals submitted by the Military Advocate General which challenge decisions rendered by the District Military… … Wikipedia
Military court (People's Republic of China) — A military court is a court of special jurisdiction in the People s Republic of China that deals with matters in the Chinese military. v · … Wikipedia
Military Court of Appeals (Israel) — The Israeli Military Court of Appeals is the supreme military court of the Israel Defense Forces. It considers and judges over appeals submitted by the Military Advocate General which challenge decisions rendered by the District Military… … Wikipedia
Military Court of the People's Republic of China — The Military Court of the People s Republic of China is a court of special jurisdiction in the People s Republic of China that deals with criminal matters in the Chinese military … Wikipedia
military court of inquiry — A military court of special and limited jurisdiction, convened to investigate specific matters. 10 U.S.C.A. No. 935. Proceedings do not include a trial of issues in which anyone is formally a party; its traditional function has been to… … Black's law dictionary
military court of inquiry — A military court of special and limited jurisdiction, convened to investigate specific matters. 10 U.S.C.A. No. 935. Proceedings do not include a trial of issues in which anyone is formally a party; its traditional function has been to… … Black's law dictionary
military court — noun a judicial court of commissioned officers for the discipline and punishment of military personnel • Topics: ↑military, ↑armed forces, ↑armed services, ↑military machine, ↑war machine, ↑law, ↑jurisprudence … Useful english dictionary
military court — A court of the military; a court martial … Ballentine's law dictionary
Supreme Military Court — The highest court in the military justice system during Brazil’s 1964–1985 military dictatorship. It was composed of 15 judges, all appointed for life: four generals, three admirals, three air force commanders, and five civilians. Formerly… … Historical Dictionary of the “Dirty Wars”