military bearing
Смотреть что такое "military bearing" в других словарях:
bearing — The horizontal angle at a given point measured clockwise from a specific datum point to a second point. See also grid bearing; relative bearing; true bearing … Military dictionary
bearing — noun 1) a man of military bearing Syn: posture, stance, carriage, gait, deportment; formal comportment 2) a regal bearing Syn: demeanor, manner, air, aspect, attitude, behavior … Thesaurus of popular words
Military Training Leader — A U.S. Air Force Military Training Leader ( MTL) is a non commissioned officer in the Armed Forces with specific duties. In the U.S. Air Force, they are assigned the duty of transitioning Non Prior service Airmen in the Air Force into the… … Wikipedia
military — militarily /mil i tair euh lee, mil i ter euh lee/, adv. militariness, n. /mil i ter ee/, adj., n., pl. militaries, military. adj. 1. of, for, or pertaining to the army or armed forces, often as distinguished from the navy: from civilian to… … Universalium
bearing — noun 1) a man of military bearing Syn: posture, stance, carriage, gait; Brit. deportment 2) a rather regal bearing Syn: demeanour, manner, air, aspect, attitude, style 3) … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
military — [[t]mɪ̱lɪtri, AM teri[/t]] ♦ militaries 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n Military means relating to the armed forces of a country. Military action may become necessary... The president is sending in almost 20,000 military personnel to help with the relief… … English dictionary
military — mil•i•tar•y [[t]ˈmɪl ɪˌtɛr i[/t]] adj. n. pl. tar•y, sometimes tar•ies 1) mil of, for, or pertaining to the army or armed forces, often as distinguished from the navy 2) mil of, for, or pertaining to war: military preparedness[/ex] 3) mil of,… … From formal English to slang
Military decorations of Mexico — Military of Mexico … Wikipedia
Military Sealift Command — Established: 9 July 1949 Activated: Renamed: 1 … Wikipedia
Military of Uzbekistan — Standard of the Armed Forces Service branches Army, Air and Air Defence Forces, National Guard … Wikipedia
Military of Bolivia — Service branches Army (Ejército Boliviano), Navy (Fuerza Naval Boliviana, Air Force (Fuerza Aérea Bolivi … Wikipedia