
милитаризировать милитаризованный см. также militarize

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "militarized" в других словарях:

  • militarized — adj. 1. Equipped with eapons; armed; used of persons, regions, or the military. Contrasted to {unarmed} and {demilitarized}. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • militarized — (Amer.) mɪlɪtÉ™raɪzd adj. military in character; equipped militarily (also militarised) militarize (Amer.) mil·i·ta·rize || mɪlɪtÉ™raɪz v. make military in character; equip in a military manner; adapt for military use; equip for war;… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • militarized — [[t]mɪ̱lɪtəraɪzd[/t]] (in BRIT, also use militarised) 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A militarized area or region has members of the armed forces and military equipment in it. ...the militarized zone that separates the faction leaders areas of control …   English dictionary

  • militarized — UK [ˈmɪlɪtəraɪzd] / US [ˈmɪlɪtəˌraɪzd] adjective 1) a militarized area is one that is controlled by an army and has a lot of weapons and soldiers in it 2) a militarized group, such as the police, is one that uses weapons and is organized like an… …   English dictionary

  • militarized — mil|i|ta|rized also militarised BrE [ˈmılıtəraızd] adj 1.) a militarized area is one that has a lot of soldiers and weapons in it ▪ Kalinigrad is a highly militarized zone. 2.) organized like an army ▪ the militarized police force …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • militarized — mil|i|ta|rized [ mılıtə,raızd ] adjective 1. ) a militarized area is one that is controlled by an army and has a lot of weapons and soldiers in it 2. ) a militarized group, such as the police, is one that uses weapons and is organized like an… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • militarized — also ised BrE adjective a militarized area is one that has a lot of soldiers and weapons in it …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Militarized Interstate Disputes — (or MIDs) are conflicts between states that do not involve a full scale war. A conflict is described as an MID if it causes fewer than 1000 deaths, and some military force is used.[citation needed] This can be nothing more than a military display …   Wikipedia

  • Militarized Streets — (武装せる市街 Buso seru shigai) is a 1930 novel by Japanese Marxist writer Kuroshima Denji (1898–1943). Researched in China, the novel focuses on the so called Jinan Incident, one of the early armed clashes that would eventually lead to a full scale… …   Wikipedia

  • militarized — adjective 1》 equip with military resources. → militarize …   English new terms dictionary

  • militarized — adjective issued military arms • Syn: ↑militarised • Similar to: ↑armed …   Useful english dictionary

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