- militarism
- ˈmɪlɪtərɪzm сущ. милитаризм милитаризм militarism милитаризм
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
militarism — MILITARÍSM s.n. Politică de subordonare a activităţii de stat, şi prin aceasta a întregii vieţi sociale, intereselor de mărire a potenţialului militar şi de pregătire pentru război, precum şi de menţinere cu ajutorul forţei a relaţiilor de… … Dicționar Român
Militarism — Militarism is an excessive influence of military over civil institutions in the political realm, customarily combined with the popularization of military virtues in the social sphere. The term became a common pejorative in Europe during the… … Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914
Militarism — Mil i*ta*rism, n. [Cf. F. militarisme.] [1913 Webster] 1. A military state or condition; a military system; reliance on military force in administering government. [1913 Webster] 2. The spirit and traditions of military life. H. Spencer. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
militarism — (n.) 1864, from Fr. militarisme, from militaire military (see MILITARY (Cf. military)) … Etymology dictionary
militarism — ► NOUN ▪ the belief that a country should maintain and readily use strong armed forces. DERIVATIVES militarist noun & adjective … English terms dictionary
militarism — [mil′ə tə riz΄əm] n. [Fr militarisme] 1. military spirit; attitudes of professional soldiers 2. the glorification or prevalence of such a spirit, attitudes, etc. in a nation, or the predominance of the military caste in government 3. the policy… … English World dictionary
Militarism — Not to be confused with Militarization, Millerism, or Millenarism. Warfare Military history Eras Prehistoric … Wikipedia
militarism — [[t]mɪ̱lɪtərɪzəm[/t]] N UNCOUNT (disapproval) Militarism is a country s desire to strengthen their armed forces in order to make themselves more powerful. The country slipped into a dangerous mixture of nationalism and militarism … English dictionary
militarism — noun an ideology which claims that the military is the foundation of a societys security, and thereby claims to be its most important aspect Ant: anti militarism … Wiktionary
MILITARISM — Despite the isolation and relative peace of the Tokugawa period, Japan’s emergence as a modern nation, beginning with the Meiji Restoration, was born of conflict and military struggle. Leaders of the Meiji government from the Satsuma and… … Japanese literature and theater
militarism — mil|i|ta|ris|m [ˈmılıtərızəm] n [U] the belief that a country should build up its military forces and use them to protect itself and get what it wants ▪ a country emerging from 20 years of militarism and political repression >militarist n… … Dictionary of contemporary English