mile marker
Смотреть что такое "mile marker" в других словарях:
mile-marker — /muyl mahr keuhr/, n. a numbered milepost along a highway: used as a way of determining the exact location of a vehicle. Also, milemarker. Also called marker. * * * … Universalium
mile-marker — /muyl mahr keuhr/, n. a numbered milepost along a highway: used as a way of determining the exact location of a vehicle. Also, milemarker. Also called marker … Useful english dictionary
Zero mile marker — Zero mile markers were markers where drivers could set their odometers to follow directions in early guide books.[1] Also known as control stations or control points, the markers or landmarks were locations that allowed travelers to have a… … Wikipedia
marker — /mahr keuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that marks. 2. something used as a mark or indication, as a bookmark or tombstone. 3. a person who records the scores, points, etc., as in a game or contest. 4. a counter used in card playing. 5. Genetics.… … Universalium
mile markers — {n.}, {slang}, {citizen s band radio jargon} Small signs along interstate highways usually bearing a number. * /The Smokey is located at 131 mile marker./ … Dictionary of American idioms
mile markers — {n.}, {slang}, {citizen s band radio jargon} Small signs along interstate highways usually bearing a number. * /The Smokey is located at 131 mile marker./ … Dictionary of American idioms
mile\ markers — noun slang citizen s band radio jargon Small signs along interstate highways usually bearing a number. The Smokey is located at 131 mile marker … Словарь американских идиом
mile markers — Trucker slang for Small signs on interstate highways as in We got a smokey at mile marker 156 … Dictionary of automotive terms
Mile End, Montreal — Mile End seen from Mount Royal. Mile End is a neighbourhood and municipal electoral district in the city of Montreal, Quebec, Canada … Wikipedia
River mile — A River mile is a measure of distance in miles along a river from its mouth. River mile numbers begin at zero and increase further upstream. The corresponding metric unit using kilometers is the River kilometer. They are analogous to vehicle… … Wikipedia
Reference marker (New York) — A representation of a reference marker found on NY 940U. In New York, a reference marker is a small green sign mounted approximately every one tenth mile on highways maintained by the New York State Department of Transportation. This was… … Wikipedia