Смотреть что такое "mild-tempered" в других словарях:
mild-tempered — index patient Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
mild — [adj1] gentle, temperate, nonirritating balmy, benign, benignant, blah*, bland, breezy, calm, choice, clear, clement, cool, dainty, delicate, demulcent, easy, emollient, exquisite, faint, fine, flat, genial, ho hum*, lenient, lenitive, light,… … New thesaurus
mild steel — ► NOUN ▪ steel containing a small percentage of carbon, that is strong and tough but not readily tempered … English terms dictionary
mild steel — noun steel with less than 0.15% carbon • Syn: ↑low carbon steel, ↑soft cast steel • Hypernyms: ↑steel * * * noun : low carbon steel that contains usually 0.05 to 0.20 percent carbon, is soft and easily worked, and is used for structural purposes… … Useful english dictionary
mild — Synonyms and related words: Saturnian, accepting, aestival, affable, agreeable, amiable, balmy, benign, benignant, bland, blood hot, blood warm, bonhomous, bright, broken, calid, calm, calming, chastened, choice, clement, compassionate,… … Moby Thesaurus
Mild steel — Steel Steel (st[=e]l), n. [AS. st[=e]l, st[=y]l, st[=y]le; akin to D. staal, G. stahl, OHG. stahal, Icel. st[=a]l, Dan. staal, Sw. st[*a]l, Old Prussian stakla.] 1. (Metal) A variety of iron intermediate in composition and properties between… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mild — adj 1. tender, gentle, soft, soft hearted, tender hearted, sensitive, sympathetic, empathetic, compassionate, humane, forbearing, gracious, considerate, tactful, kind, civil; conciliatory, nonviolent, mollifying, pacific, peaceable, peaceful,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
mild — adj. 1 (esp. of a person) gentle and conciliatory. 2 (of a rule, punishment, illness, feeling, etc.) moderate; not severe. 3 (of the weather, esp. in winter) moderately warm. 4 a (of food, tobacco, etc.) not sharp or strong in taste etc. b Brit.… … Useful english dictionary
mild — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. gentle, easy, bland, soft, harmless; lenient, tolerant, merciful, humane, generous, forbearing; weak, neutral; placid, tranquil, temperate, moderate; comfortable, clement; meek, submissive,… … English dictionary for students
mild steel — noun steel containing a small percentage of carbon, that is strong and tough but not readily tempered … English new terms dictionary
equable even-tempered good-tempered placid — Good natured Good na tured, a. Naturally mild in temper; not easily provoked; amiable; cheerful; not taking offense easily; as, too good natured to resent a little criticism; the good natured policeman on our block; the sounds of good natured… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English