Смотреть что такое "mild-mannered" в других словарях:
mild-mannered — adj gentle and polite … Dictionary of contemporary English
mild-mannered — adjective behaving in or having a mild or gentle manner (Freq. 1) • Similar to: ↑mild * * * ˌmild ˈmannered 7 [mild mannered] adjective (of a person) g … Useful english dictionary
mild-mannered — ADJ GRADED (approval) If you describe someone as mild mannered, you approve of them because they are gentle, kind, and polite. Syn: mild … English dictionary
mild-mannered — adjective gentle and polite: She had always struck me as being mild mannered and quiet … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
mild-mannered — UK / US adjective gentle and kind He was a small mild mannered man with beautiful grey eyes … English dictionary
Mild-Mannered Supermen — File:The Roy Clark Method Mild Mannered Supermen.jpg Studio album by The Roy Clark Method Released April 3, 2002 Recorded Millipede Studios Macon, Geor … Wikipedia
mild-mannered — adjective (of a person) gentle and not given to extremes of emotion … English new terms dictionary
-mannered — UK [mænə(r)d] US [mænərd] suffix used with some adjectives and adverbs to make adjectives describing the type of manners that someone has bad mannered ill mannered mild mannered Thesaurus: suffixes … Useful english dictionary
mild — [ maıld ] adjective ** ▸ 1 not strong/severe ▸ 2 about the weather ▸ 3 about food ▸ 4 about drugs/cosmetics ▸ 5 not large/extreme ▸ 6 gentle ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) a mild illness or injury is one that is not serious: They were both suffering from a… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
-mannered — [ mænərd ] suffix used with some adjectives and adverbs to make adjectives describing the type of manners that someone has: bad mannered ill mannered mild mannered … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
mild — [adj1] gentle, temperate, nonirritating balmy, benign, benignant, blah*, bland, breezy, calm, choice, clear, clement, cool, dainty, delicate, demulcent, easy, emollient, exquisite, faint, fine, flat, genial, ho hum*, lenient, lenitive, light,… … New thesaurus