- migration theory
- сейсм. теория миграционного преобразования
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Migration — • The movement of populations from place to place Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Migration Migration † … Catholic encyclopedia
migration, sociological studies of — Migration involves the (more or less) permanent movement of individuals or groups across symbolic or political boundaries into new residential areas and communities. Sociological studies of migration are diverse and usually form part of larger… … Dictionary of sociology
migration — migrational, adj. /muy gray sheuhn/, n. 1. the process or act of migrating. 2. a migratory movement: preparations for the migration. 3. a number or body of persons or animals migrating together. 4. Chem. a movement or change of position of atoms… … Universalium
Migration period of ancient Burma — History of Burma Prehistory 11,000–200 BCE Pyu city states 200 BCE–835 CE Mon kingdoms 825?–1057 Arakanese kingdoms 788?–1406 … Wikipedia
Theory of intervening opportunities — Stouffer s law of intervening opportunities states that the amount of migration over a given distance is directly proportional to the number of opportunities at the place of destination, and inversely proportional to the number of opportunities… … Wikipedia
Models of migration to the New World — There are several popular models of migration to the New World proposed by the anthropological community. The question of how, when and why humans first entered the Americas is of intense interest to anthropologists and has been a subject of… … Wikipedia
Indo-Aryan migration — For other uses, see Indo Aryan migration (disambiguation). Indo European topics Indo European languages (list) Albanian · Armenian · Baltic Celtic · Germanic · Greek Indo Iranian … Wikipedia
Models of migration to the Philippines — History of Philippines This article is part of a series Early History (pre 900) … Wikipedia
Coastal Migration — is a term sometimes used in modern anthropology and genetics[1][2][3] for the concept that, from a single origin in Africa 100 200 thousand years before present, early human migrations first spread eastwards to areas outside Africa along routes… … Wikipedia
Human migration — Net migration rates for 2008: positive (blue), negative (orange), stable (green), and no data (gray) … Wikipedia
Out of India theory — Indo European topics Indo European languages (list) Albanian · Armenian · Baltic Celtic … Wikipedia