migration artifacts

migration artifacts
сейсм. шумы миграционного преобразования

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "migration artifacts" в других словарях:

  • Migration Period — This article is about European migrations in the early part of the first millennium A.D.. For prehistoric migrations, see Human migration. For the 2003 Canadian film, see The Barbarian Invasions. 2nd to 5th century simplified migrations. See also …   Wikipedia

  • Migration period of ancient Burma — History of Burma Prehistory 11,000–200 BCE Pyu city states 200 BCE–835 CE Mon kingdoms 825?–1057 Arakanese kingdoms 788?–1406 …   Wikipedia

  • Models of migration to the New World — There are several popular models of migration to the New World proposed by the anthropological community. The question of how, when and why humans first entered the Americas is of intense interest to anthropologists and has been a subject of… …   Wikipedia

  • Indo-Aryan migration — For other uses, see Indo Aryan migration (disambiguation). Indo European topics Indo European languages (list) Albanian · Armenian · Baltic Celtic · Germanic · Greek Indo Iranian …   Wikipedia

  • Coastal Migration — is a term sometimes used in modern anthropology and genetics[1][2][3] for the concept that, from a single origin in Africa 100 200 thousand years before present, early human migrations first spread eastwards to areas outside Africa along routes… …   Wikipedia

  • acid migration —    The transfer of an acid from an acidic material to a less acidic or pH neutral material, most often from one with which it is in contact. Since acid can cause certain materials, such as paper, and the mats, mounts, etc. with which they are… …   Glossary of Art Terms

  • шумы миграционного преобразования (сейсм.) — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN migration artifacts …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material …   Universalium

  • China — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. People s Republic of, a country in E Asia. 1,221,591,778; 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Cap.: Beijing. 2. Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast …   Universalium

  • India — /in dee euh/, n. 1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S Asia: a union comprising 25 states and 7 union territories; formerly a British colony; gained independence Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950.… …   Universalium

  • Anthropology and Archaeology — ▪ 2009 Introduction Anthropology       Among the key developments in 2008 in the field of physical anthropology was the discovery by a large interdisciplinary team of Spanish and American scientists in northern Spain of a partial mandible (lower… …   Universalium

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