microstrip dipole
Смотреть что такое "microstrip dipole" в других словарях:
Microstrip antenna — In telecommunication, there are several types of microstrip antennas (also known as printed antennas) the most common of which is the microstrip patch antenna or patch antenna. A patch antenna is a narrowband, wide beam antenna fabricated by… … Wikipedia
Dipole antenna — A schematic of a half wave dipole antenna connected to an unbalanced coaxial cable. Better practice is to connect the balanced dipole to the unbalanced line with a balun. A dipole antenna is a radio antenna that can be made of a simple wire, with … Wikipedia
Metamaterial antenna — This Z antenna tested at the National Institute of Standards and Technology is smaller than a standard antenna with comparable properties. Its high efficiency is derived from the Z element inside the square that acts as a metamaterial, greatly… … Wikipedia
Antenna (radio) — Whip antenna on car … Wikipedia
Omnidirectional antenna — The radiation pattern of a simple omnidirectional antenna, a vertical half wave dipole antenna. In this graph the antenna is at the center of the donut . Radial distance from the center represents the power radiated in that direction. The power… … Wikipedia
HYPERFRÉQUENCES — D’après la définition la plus couramment admise, les hyperfréquences représentent des ondes électromagnétiques dont la longueur d’onde est de l’ordre du centimètre, et que l’on utilise notamment en technique radar et en transmission hertzienne.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Zorica Pantic — Zorica Pantic, born circa 1951 in the former Yugoslavia, is a college administrator and professor of electrical engineering. In 2005 she was appointed the fourth president of Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston.Pantic was previously the… … Wikipedia
Loop antenna — A shortwave loop antenna A loop antenna is a radio antenna consisting of a loop (or loops) of wire, tubing, or other electrical conductor with its ends connected to a balanced transmission line. Within this physical description there are two very … Wikipedia
Monopole antenna — Mast radiator monopole antenna used for broadcasting. AM radio station WARE, Warren, Massachusetts, USA. A monopole antenna is a class of radio antenna consisting of a straight rod shaped conductor, often mounted perpendicularly over some type of … Wikipedia
Coaxial antenna — A coaxial antenna (often known as a coaxial dipole) is a particular form of a half wave dipole antenna, most often employed as a vertically polarized omnidirectional antenna. Contents 1 History 2 Configuration 3 Bazooka Dipole coaxial antenna … Wikipedia
HRS antenna — HRS type antennas are more or less the standard antenna used for long distance high power shortwave broadcasting (> 1000 km). Contents 1 History of HRS design 2 Nomenclature 3 A versatile antenna type … Wikipedia