Смотреть что такое "microseismic" в других словарях:
microseismic — MICROSEÍSMIC, Ă adj. Referitor la microseism. [pron. se is . / < fr. microséismique]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 09.06.2005. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
Microseismic — Microseism Mi cro*seism, n. [Micro + Gr. ? an earthquake, fr. ? to shake.] A feeble earth tremor not directly perceptible, but detected only by means of specially constructed apparatus. {Mi cro*seis mic}, {Mi cro*seis mic*al}, a. [Webster 1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
microseismic — adjective see microseism … New Collegiate Dictionary
microseismic — See microseism. * * * … Universalium
microseismic — adjective Describing any small seismic event that causes little or no damage or disturbance … Wiktionary
microseismic — mi·cro·seis·mic … English syllables
microseismic — adjective see microseism … Useful english dictionary
microseism — microseismic, microseismical, adj. /muy kreuh suy zeuhm, seuhm/, n. Geol. a feeble, recurrent vibration of the ground recorded by seismographs and believed to be due to an earthquake or a storm at sea. [1885 90; MICRO + SEISM] * * * … Universalium
Rosemanowes Quarry — Rosemanowes Quarry, near Penryn, Cornwall, United Kingdom, was the site of an early experiment in extracting geothermal energy from the earth using hot dry rock (HDR) technology. Geothermal energy research projectThe site was chosen because the… … Wikipedia
Microbarom — In acoustics, microbaroms, also known as the voice of the sea ,[1][2] are a class of atmospheric infrasonic waves generated in marine storms[3][4] by a non linear interaction of ocean surface waves with the atmosphere … Wikipedia
Clapotis — Incoming wave (red) reflected at the wall produces the outgoing wave (blue), both being overlaid resulting in the clapotis (black). In hydrodynamics, the clapotis (from French: lapping of water ) is a non breaking standing wave pattern, caused… … Wikipedia