microfilm copy
Смотреть что такое "microfilm copy" в других словарях:
Microfilm copy — Микрофотокопия; микрофильм; Копия микрофильма … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Microfilm copy jacket — Джеккет для копий микрофильмов … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
copy — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Reproduction Nouns 1. copy, facsimile, counterpart, effigy, form, semblance, cast[ing], ecotype, fake; imitation; model, study, portrait (see representation); tracing; duplicate; photocopy, instant copy … English dictionary for students
copy — Synonyms and related words: Doppelganger, Photostat, Xerox, abstract, abstraction, act, act a part, act as, act like, act out, actual thing, adopt, affect, agent, altarpiece, alternate, alternative, analogy, ape, appear like, approach,… … Moby Thesaurus
microfilm — microfilmer, n. /muy kreuh film /, n. 1. a film bearing a miniature photographic copy of printed or other graphic matter, usually of a document, newspaper or book pages, etc., made for a library, archive, or the like. 2. a film, esp. of motion… … Universalium
microfilm — maɪkrəʊfɪlm n. film bearing a miniature photographic copy of printed or graphic matter (especially for a library or archive, etc.) v. photograph on microfilm (photographed film containing miniaturized images) … English contemporary dictionary
microfilm — mi•cro•film [[t]ˈmaɪ krəˌfɪlm[/t]] n. 1) pht lib a film bearing a miniature photographic copy of printed or graphic matter 2) pht to make a microfilm of • Etymology: 1930–35 … From formal English to slang
microfilm — /ˈmaɪkroʊfɪlm / (say muykrohfilm) noun 1. a narrow film, especially of motion picture stock, on which microcopies are made. 2. a film reproduction of a large or bulky publication, as a file of newspapers, used to conserve space or to copy… …
microfilm — Synonyms and related words: Flexowriter typewriter, Photostat, Teleplotter, X ray, Xerox, alphabetical printer, backing, bibliofilm, bipack, black and white film, bulletin board, calotype, capture on film, card, cartridge, catalog card, clone,… … Moby Thesaurus
hard copy — noun Date: 1954 a copy of textual or graphic information (as from microfilm or computer storage) produced on paper in normal size … New Collegiate Dictionary
Derbyshire lead mining history — Goodluck Mine in Via Gellia. This article details some of the history of lead mining in Derbyshire, England. Contents 1 … Wikipedia