Смотреть что такое "microcline" в других словарях:
Microcline — Microcline[1] Catégorie IX : silicates[2] … Wikipédia en Français
microcline — ● microcline nom masculin Feldspath triclinique potassique, que l on trouve dans les granites et les gneiss. microcline [mikʀoklin] n. f. ÉTYM. 1897; de micro , et du grec klinein « incliner ». ❖ ♦ Minér. Feldspath potassique ou sodique … Encyclopédie Universelle
Microcline — Mi cro*cline, n. [Micro + Gr. ? to incline.] (Min.) A mineral of the feldspar group, like orthoclase or common feldspar in composition, but triclinic in form. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
microcline — [mī′krō klīn΄] n. [Ger mikroklin (< Gr mikros, small + klinein, to incline: see LEAN1): its cleavage angle differs slightly from 90°] a triclinic feldspar, KAlSi3O8, that is dimorphic with orthoclase; potassium aluminum silicate … English World dictionary
Microcline — Optical properties Microcline Microcline feldspar Crystal System: Triclinic Color in PPL … Wikipedia
microcline — /muy kreuh kluyn /, n. a mineral of the feldspar group, potassium aluminum silicate, KAlSi3O8, identical in composition with orthoclase but having triclinic instead of monoclinic crystals, used in making porcelain. [1840 50; MICRO + cline < Gk… … Universalium
microcline — noun A common feldspar of igneous, plutonic, and metamorphic rocks, made of potassium aluminum silicate, with the chemical formula KAlSiO. Microcline is the main feldspar of granite. The bluish green variety is called amazonstone, and is… … Wiktionary
microcline — (entrée créée par le supplément) (mi kro kli n ) adj. Terme de cristallographie. Qui a de petites inclinaisons. • Sur le feldspath microcline, CH. STE CLAIRE DEVILLE Acad. des sc. Comptes rend. t. LXXXII, p. 1015. ÉTYMOLOGIE Du grec, petit,… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
microcline — mikroklinas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Triklininis natrio putnagas. formulė (K,Na)[AlSi₃O₈] atitikmenys: angl. microcline rus. микроклин … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
microcline — noun Etymology: German Mikroklin, from mikr micr + Greek klinein to lean more at lean Date: 1849 a triclinic mineral of the feldspar group that is like orthoclase in composition … New Collegiate Dictionary
microcline — [ mʌɪkrə(ʊ)klʌɪn] noun a green, pink or brown mineral consisting of potassium rich feldspar. Origin C19: from Ger. Microklin, from Gk mikros small + klinein to lean (because its angle of cleavage is close to 90 degrees) … English new terms dictionary