Смотреть что такое "microcavity" в других словарях:
microcavity — noun A microscopic cavity (especially one that is part of an advanced optical device) … Wiktionary
Optical microcavity — An optical microcavity is a structure formed by reflecting faces on the two sides of a spacer layer or optical medium. The name microcavity stems from the fact that it is often only a few micrometers thick, the spacer layer sometimes even in the… … Wikipedia
Steven Van Slyke — Infobox Scientist name = Steven Van Slyke caption = birth date = birth place = death date = death place = residence = Pittsford, NY, U.S.A. nationality = U.S.A. field = Chemist work institution = Eastman Kodak alma mater = Ithaca College, and… … Wikipedia
Polariton superfluid — is predicted to be a state of the exciton polariton system that combines the characteristics of lasers with those of excellent electrical conductors. Researchers look for this state in a solid state optical microcavity coupled with quantum well… … Wikipedia
cryptokarst — A karst term used to describe (a) the result of subsurface removal of limestone taking place beneath permeable loess resulting in a loss of limestone and subsequent slow subsidence of the loess without noticeable surface expression, (b) the… … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
Optical cavity — An optical cavity or optical resonator is an arrangement of mirrors that forms a standing wave cavity resonator for light waves. Optical cavities are a major component of lasers, surrounding the gain medium and providing feedback of the laser… … Wikipedia
Dmitri Z. Garbuzov — Born October 27, 1940 Sverdlovsk, Russia Died August 20, 2006 Princeton, New Jersey Nationality … Wikipedia
David Snoke — David W. Snoke Residence Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania … Wikipedia
Purcell factor — The enhanced radiative rate of an emitter within a microcavity relative to its value in free space. For maximal coupling (on resonance and with the emitter positioned at a field maximum): F {P}=frac{3}{4pi^2}left(frac{lambda {c{n}… … Wikipedia
Cristal photonique — Bracelet monté d une opale, cristal photonique naturel. Les cristaux photoniques sont des structures périodiques de matériaux diélectriques ou métallo diélectriques modifiant la propagation des ondes électromagnétiques de la même manière qu un… … Wikipédia en Français
Microcavité optique — Les microcavités optiques sont des structures nanométriques dont les dimensions sont comparables aux longueurs d onde optiques ; elles sont notamment utilisées pour agir sur l émission d émetteurs placés en leur cœur. Deux effets sont… … Wikipédia en Français