micella, micelle
Смотреть что такое "micella, micelle" в других словарях:
micelle — [mīsel′ə, misel′ə] n. pl. micellae [mī sel′ē, mi sel′ēmī sel′, misel′] n. [ModL micella, dim. < L mica, a grain, crumb: see MICA] 1. Biol. a submicroscopic structural unit composed of a group of molecules, as in living protoplasm, starch… … English World dictionary
Micelle — Cross section view of the structures that can be formed by phospholipids in aqueous solutions … Wikipedia
micella — mi·cel·la mī sel ə n, pl cel·lae sel ē MICELLE * * * mi·cel·la (mi selґə) see micelle … Medical dictionary
micelle — noun Etymology: New Latin micella, from Latin mica Date: 1881 a unit of structure built up from polymeric molecules or ions: as a. an ordered region in a fiber (as of cellulose or rayon) b. a molecular aggregate that constitutes a colloidal… … New Collegiate Dictionary
micelle — micellar, adj. micellarly, adv. /mi sel /, n. Physical Chem. an electrically charged particle formed by an aggregate of molecules and occurring in certain colloidal electrolyte solutions, as those of soaps and detergents. [1880 85; < NL micella,… … Universalium
micelle — 1. Nägeli term for elongated sub(light)microscopic particles, detected in hydrogels, of supramolecular character and crystalline structure; now defined as one of two classes of colloidal particle : those consisting of many molecules, the other… … Medical dictionary
micella — pl.f. micelle … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
micelle — /məˈsɛl/ (say muh sel) noun a colloidal particle formed by the reversible aggregation of dissolved molecules. Electrically charged micelles form colloidal electrolytes, as soaps and detergents. {New Latin mīcella, diminutive of Latin mīca crumb} …
micelle — n. Chem. an aggregate of molecules in a colloidal solution, as occurs e.g. when soap dissolves in water. Etymology: mod.L micella dimin. of L mica crumb … Useful english dictionary
micella — noun see micelle … Useful english dictionary
Mizelle — Mi|zẹl|le 〈f. 19; Biochem.〉 aus zahlreichen Einzelmolekülen aufgebautes Kolloidteilchen, z. B. bei den Pflanzenfasern; oV Mizell [<lat. micella „Krümchen“] * * * Mi|zẹl|le [nlat. micella = Diminutiv zu lat. mica = Körnchen], die; , n; S:… … Universal-Lexikon