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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "mica-slate" в других словарях:

  • Mica slate — Mica Mi ca, n. [L. mica crumb, grain, particle; cf. F. mica.] (Min.) The name of a group of minerals characterized by highly perfect cleavage, so that they readily separate into very thin leaves, more or less elastic. They differ widely in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mica-slate — miˈca schist or miˈca slate noun A metamorphic rock consisting of alternate folia of mica and quartz • • • Main Entry: ↑mica …   Useful english dictionary

  • Mica — Mi ca, n. [L. mica crumb, grain, particle; cf. F. mica.] (Min.) The name of a group of minerals characterized by highly perfect cleavage, so that they readily separate into very thin leaves, more or less elastic. They differ widely in composition …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mica diorite — Mica Mi ca, n. [L. mica crumb, grain, particle; cf. F. mica.] (Min.) The name of a group of minerals characterized by highly perfect cleavage, so that they readily separate into very thin leaves, more or less elastic. They differ widely in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mica powder — Mica Mi ca, n. [L. mica crumb, grain, particle; cf. F. mica.] (Min.) The name of a group of minerals characterized by highly perfect cleavage, so that they readily separate into very thin leaves, more or less elastic. They differ widely in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mica schist — Mica Mi ca, n. [L. mica crumb, grain, particle; cf. F. mica.] (Min.) The name of a group of minerals characterized by highly perfect cleavage, so that they readily separate into very thin leaves, more or less elastic. They differ widely in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • slate — slate1 /slayt/, n., v., slated, slating. n. 1. a fine grained rock formed by the metamorphosis of clay, shale, etc., that tends to split along parallel cleavage planes, usually at an angle to the planes of stratification. 2. a thin piece or plate …   Universalium

  • mica — n. any of a group of silicate minerals with a layered structure, esp. muscovite. Phrases and idioms: mica schist (or slate) a fissile rock containing quartz and mica. Derivatives: micaceous adj. Etymology: L, = crumb …   Useful english dictionary

  • mica-schist — miˈca schist or miˈca slate noun A metamorphic rock consisting of alternate folia of mica and quartz • • • Main Entry: ↑mica …   Useful english dictionary

  • biotite — Mica Mi ca, n. [L. mica crumb, grain, particle; cf. F. mica.] (Min.) The name of a group of minerals characterized by highly perfect cleavage, so that they readily separate into very thin leaves, more or less elastic. They differ widely in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • biotite — Mica Mi ca, n. [L. mica crumb, grain, particle; cf. F. mica.] (Min.) The name of a group of minerals characterized by highly perfect cleavage, so that they readily separate into very thin leaves, more or less elastic. They differ widely in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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