
ˈmetl сущ.
1) темперамент, характер Syn : temperament, spirits
2) а) пыл, ретивость to be on one's mettle ≈ рваться в бой, проявлять пыл, ретивость Syn : zeal, ardour б) отвага, смелость, храбрость to prove, show one's mettle ≈ выказывать отвагу, смелость gentlemen of brave mettle ≈ храбрецы, отважные воины Syn : bravery, courage
3) выносливость, стойкость Syn : stamina характер, темперамент - to show one's * проявить /показать/ (свой) характер пыл, ретивость;
горячность - a horse of * горячая лошадь храбрость - full of * храбрый - a man of * храбрый человек > to be one's * стараться сделать все возможное;
проявлять пыл, рвение > to put /to set/ smb. on /upon, to/ his * испытывать чье-л. мужество /чью-л. выдержку/ (тж. to try smb.'s *) ;
заставить кого-л. сделать все, что в его силах;
пробудить в ком-л. рвение mettle пыл, ретивость;
horse of mettle горячая лошадь;
to be on one's mettle рваться в бой, проявлять пыл, ретивость mettle пыл, ретивость;
horse of mettle горячая лошадь;
to be on one's mettle рваться в бой, проявлять пыл, ретивость to put (или to set) (smb.) on his ~ заставить (кого-л.) сделать все, что в его силах;
воодушевить to put (или to set) (smb.) on his ~ испытать (чье-л.) мужество

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "mettle" в других словарях:

  • Mettle — Met tle, n. [E. metal, used in a tropical sense in allusion to the temper of the metal of a sword blade. See {Metal}.] Substance or quality of temperament; spirit, esp. as regards honor, courage, fortitude, ardor, etc.; disposition; usually in a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mettle — est un EP de Leila sorti en mai 2008 chez Warp Records pour l annonce de son prochain album Blood, Looms and Blooms. Mettle, seul, figure dans l album. Il n existe qu en vinyle, la version cd est une promo. Liste des morceaux Mettle (4:23) Heaven …   Wikipédia en Français

  • mettle — ► NOUN ▪ spirit and resilience in the face of difficulty. ● be on one s mettle Cf. ↑be on one s mettle ORIGIN variant spelling of METAL(Cf. ↑metal) …   English terms dictionary

  • mettle — [met′ l] n. [var. of METAL, used fig.] quality of character or temperament; esp., high quality of character; spirit; courage; ardor on one s mettle roused or prepared to do one s best …   English World dictionary

  • Mettle — Mettle, das, Felsengruppe im Ursernthal des Schweizercantons Uri, um welche sich die Gotthardsstraße windet …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • mettle — index character (personal quality), frame (mood), prowess (bravery), spirit Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • mettle — (n.) 1580s, variant spelling of METAL (Cf. metal), both forms used interchangeably (by Shakespeare and others) in the literal sense and in the figurative one of stuff of which a person is made (1550s) until the spellings and senses diverged early …   Etymology dictionary

  • mettle — *courage, spirit, resolution, tenacity Analogous words: *fortitude, backbone, sand, grit, pluck, guts: nerve, hardihood, *temerity, audacity: gallantry, valor, *heroism …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • mettle — [n] boldness, strength of character animation, ardor, backbone, bravery, caliber, courage, daring, dauntlessness, disposition, energy, fire, force, fortitude, gallantry, gameness, grit*, guts*, hardihood, heart*, indomitability, kidney*, life*,… …   New thesaurus

  • mettle — met|tle [ˈmetl] n [U] [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: metal] 1.) courage and determination to do something even when it is very difficult test/show/prove your mettle ▪ a crisis which will test the prime minister s mettle 2.) on your mettle BrE if you… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • mettle — [[t]me̱t(ə)l[/t]] 1) N UNCOUNT: usu poss N Someone s mettle is their ability to do something well in difficult circumstances. His first important chance to show his mettle came when he opened the new session of the Legislature... For both sides,… …   English dictionary

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