Metronymic — Met ro*nym ic, a. [Gr. ?; ? mother + ?, for ? name.] Derived from the name of one s mother, or other female ancestor; as, a metronymic name or appellation. n. A metronymic appellation. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
metronymic — (adj.) derived from the name of a mother or maternal ancestor, 1881, from Late Gk. metronymikos named for one s mother, from meter (gen. metros) mother (see MOTHER (Cf. mother) (n.1)) + onyma (see NAME (Cf. name) (n.)). Related: Metronymical … Etymology dictionary
metronymic — [mē΄trə nim′ik, me΄trənim′ik] adj., n. MATRONYMIC … English World dictionary
metronymic — /mee treuh nim ik, me /, adj. 1. derived from the name of a mother or other female ancestor. n. 2. a metronymic name. Also, matronymic. [1865 70; < Gk metronymikós named after one s mother] * * * … Universalium
metronymic — /mɛtrəˈnɪmɪk/ (say metruh nimik) adjective 1. derived from the name of a mother or other female ancestor. –noun 2. a metronymic name. {Greek mētrōnymikos named after one s mother} …
metronymic — a.,n. (name) derived from mother s or ancestress s name; pertaining to descent in the female line. ♦ metronymy, n. metronymic usage … Dictionary of difficult words
metronymic — adj. & n. adj. (of a name) derived from the name of a mother or female ancestor. n. a metronymic name. Etymology: Gk meter metros mother, after patronymic … Useful english dictionary
metronymic — [ˌmɛtrə nɪmɪk] adjective &noun variant spelling of matronymic … English new terms dictionary
metronymic — metro·nym·ic … English syllables
Eakin — This unusual name, with the modern variants Eakin and Ekins, can be either a patronymic or a metronymic i.e. derived from the personal name of the first bearer s father or mother. As a patronymic it derives from (a)ed a medieval pet form of Adam… … Surnames reference
Eakins — This unusual name, with the modern variants Eakin and Ekins, can be either a patronymic or a metronymic i.e. derived from the personal name of the first bearer s father or mother. As a patronymic it derives from (a)ed a medieval pet form of Adam… … Surnames reference