- metricize
- (американизм) переводить в метрическую систему мер - to * road signs поставить новые дорожные столбы с указанием километров (вместо миль)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
metricize — (v.) convert to the metric system, 1873, from METRIC (Cf. metric) (adj.) + IZE (Cf. ize). Related: Metricized; metricizing. Earlier, to convert to poetic meter (1850; see METRIC (Cf. metric) (n.)) … Etymology dictionary
metricize — (Amer.) v. introduce the metric system, change over to the metric system, apply the metric system (also metricise) … English contemporary dictionary
metricize — [me′tri sīz΄] vt. metricized, metricizing METRICATE … English World dictionary
metricize — transitive verb ( cized; cizing) Date: 1873 to change into or express in the metric system … New Collegiate Dictionary
metricize — /me treuh suyz /, v.t., metricized, metricizing. 1. to express in terms of the metric system. 2. Math. metrize. Also, esp. Brit., metricise. [1870 75; METRIC1 + IZE] * * * … Universalium
metricize — verb a) To make metric b) To introduce metrics into (a process) … Wiktionary
metricize — met·ri·cize … English syllables
metricize — met•ri•cize [[t]ˈmɛ trəˌsaɪz[/t]] v. t. cized, ciz•ing math. to express in terms of the metric system • Etymology: 1870–75 met′ri•cism, n … From formal English to slang
metricize — verb 1. express in the metric system • Syn: ↑metricise • Hypernyms: ↑translate, ↑transform • Verb Frames: Somebody s something 2. convert from a non metric to the metric system … Useful english dictionary
metricized — metricize (Amer.) v. introduce the metric system, change over to the metric system, apply the metric system (also metricise) … English contemporary dictionary
metricizes — metricize (Amer.) v. introduce the metric system, change over to the metric system, apply the metric system (also metricise) … English contemporary dictionary